A new leak of Nvidia-related data points to the existence of a Nintendo Switch 2 and some exciting technology for the upcoming console.

The Nintendo Switch 2 is coming, that's for certain. Yes, Nintendo is still doing pretty well with their revolutionary console, but the thing is getting dusty. The original Nintendo Switch came out in 2017 and by now most games look like doo-doo on it. So a new Switch has to come, and it must have some impressive technology to run better-looking games and generally have better performance.
What might sound like one of my manic daydreams might actually come true: a leak of Nvidia code revealed that the Nintendo Switch 2 is real and that it will use Nvidia technology to run games better. This leak is already a few months old, but now even more info on the hardware of the next console after the Nintendo Switch has been revealed.
Nintendo Switch 2 Is Real, Using Nvidia DLSS
Recently the NVIDIA DLSS source code leaked, and it revealed a whole bunch of interesting things. Among the many things inside the code are multiple entries mentioning "NVN 2". And guess what "NVN" means... correct, it refers to the Nintendo Switch, more concretely its graphics API. So yes, it looks like a Nintendo Switch 2 is happening and that it will use Nvidia's DLSS Tech.
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If you don't know what DLSS is, let a noob like me explain it to you: DLSS is an AI-powered tech, that gives you higher frame rate and resolution, independent of your hardware. Or in other words: dark magic stuff. It would only make sense for the next version of the Switch to use such technology, as you get better performance without needing crazy hardware.
A few other leaks and rumors about a new Switch already claimed that the next Switch would use DLSS, so that checks out. A Switch 2 is coming, and it will be awesome, but when will it actually happen? God only knows. And by God, I mean Shigeru Miyamoto.
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[Update: September 20]
Hello there! We got another leak of sorts, detailing the hardware specifics of the next Nintendo Switch version. It has been rumored for a long time, that the Switch 2, as I lovingly call it, would use a so-called "Tegra239" chip, a modified version of an Nvidia graphics chip. The existence of this chip has now been confirmed through developer comments left publicly accessible by an Nvidia employee.
If the Switch 2 is actually using this chip while being capable of DLSS, and it very much looks like that, we can look forward to a much more powerful console than the original Switch, one that is more on par with the Steam Deck. As soon as we find out more, we will let you know.