Resident Evil 4 Remake Now Has Its Own Anime!

As a small marketing measure for the upcoming Resident Evil 4 remake, the franchise has now received an anime inspired by Hayao Miyazaki. And it's adorable!

Resident Evil Anime
Resident Evil 4 as its own little anime! | © Capcom

With the release of the Resident Evil 4 remake this week, Capcom's marketing for the title is in full swing. Among other things, Leon and Claire were even included as playable characters in the Battle Royale game Fortnite! But now Capcom has brought something that really nobody would have expected: Resident Evil 4 has got its own little anime!


Resident Evil 4 As Its Own Little Anime!

The full name of the anime is "Resident Evil 4 Anime PV Resident Evil Masterpiece Theater - 'Leon and the Mysterious Village'", which isn't exactly catchy, but at least it hits the spot. It has only 3 episodes so far, but they are 3 episodes full of fun and joy! At least for those who are eagerly awaiting the release of the remake.

Episode 1

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Episode 2

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Episode 3

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The title of the commercial, as well as the cute animation style, is an obvious reference to World Masterpiece Theater, a children's anime series produced by Japanese anime studio Nippon Animation that originally aired from 1969 to 1997.

Several notable works of children's literature were adapted as anime as part of the series. Animators such as later Studio Ghibli Co-Founders Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata were involved in many of them. Probably the two most famous anime to come out of the World Masterpiece Theater series are Heidi and Dog of Flanders from 1975.


It's a funny and kooky way to promote a video game, but fans are loving it! Just don't expect the game to be as cute as the anime, we're still talking about Resident Evil 4 after all.

The remake will be released on March 24 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC and the Xbox Series X. You can already preorder the game here:

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Oliwia Lewicka

Oliwia was part of EarlyGame's content team. She wrote news and guides for the Gaming, LoL and Entertainment categories....