Starfield: How To Board & Capture Enemy Ships

Boarding enemy ships in Starfield can not only give you a bunch of loot, but can also help you gain XP too! This guide will show you how you can board and capture enemy ships in Starfield, so you can get all that lovely loot.

How to board & capture enemy ships in Starfield | © Bethesda

It can be pretty tempting to just blow up enemy ships during space combat in Starfield, but boarding them has many more benefits to offer. Going on board an enemy ship in Starfield can help you grab extra loot and gain XP, so if you want to find out how you can board enemy ships, we'll show you how, here.

Starfield: How to Board and Capture Ships

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to board and capture ships in Starfield.

Unlock the Targeting Control Systems Skill:

To board and capture ships, you'll need the Targeting Control Systems skill. Although the skill has up to four ranks, you only require the first rank unlocked to be able to use the Targeting Control System.

Disable a Ship's Engines:

Before you can board a ship, you must disable its engines. Enter targeting mode, lock onto the enemy ship, and use your weapons to bring down its shields. Then switch to targeting the engines and deplete their strength.

Boarding a Vessel and Eliminating Hostiles:

Once the ship's engines are disabled, you'll see a button prompt to dock. However, you can only do this when all other hostile ships in the area have been eliminated. Inside the ship, eliminate all hostiles to earn XP and collect loot.


The Piloting Skill and Selling Captured Ships:

Depending on the ship's class, you might need to level up your piloting skill to make the captured ship your own. Class-A ships usually don't require a specific skill level, but higher-class ships do. You can also sell captured ships at docking areas after paying a registration fee.

With these steps, you can master ship boarding and make the most of your space adventures in Starfield. If you need some help in Starfield later on, check out our other guides on Starfield.


Jonathan Rossbach

Jonathan has over 2.1k hours in Counter-Strike, but has just as much love for other shooters, as well as sports- and simulation games. He enjoys playing FIFA, F1, Valorant, Minecraft or the good old Euro Truck Simulator. ...