Did you just finish Zelda Tears of the Kingdom and now have this feeling of emptiness inside of you? Here is what you should play to keep the Zelda spirit alive after Tears of the Kingdom.

Playing through Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom can take hundreds of hours. In fact, some players may even spend years exploring the vast world and uncovering its secrets. We've waited six years for this title to finally release after Breath of the Wild. And now that it is here, finishing it leaves us with this weird feeling of emptiness inside because there is nothing to do anymore until Nintendo releases a DLC.
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Tears of the Kingdom was a true masterpiece, but what could ever replace the joy we had with playing it?
Other than looking for a substitute to this game, you should try to take a moment and treat yourself with some shorter but wholesome games that keep the Zelda spirit alive.
What To Play After Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Here are the top three games that you should play after finishing Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
3. Death's Door

Death's Door is an action-adventure game with a Zelda-like plot where players assume the role of a small crow working as a "reaper" in an office-like bureaucratic afterlife. The game's 3D, isometric perspective offers an immersive experience as players embark on missions to collect souls and uncover a potential conspiracy surrounding the disappearance of other crows.
Similar to Zelda games, Death's Door features exploration, puzzle-solving, and combat elements. Players utilize an array of weapons, projectiles, magic, and dodging techniques to overcome challenges and defeat bosses.
"Death’s Door is a must for those looking to scratch the itch of a classic Zelda dungeon-delving game, with the added bonus of impeccable combat against waves of foes in a creepy world." (IGN)
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2. Eastward

Eastward is a pixel art role-playing game that draws inspiration from The Legend of Zelda series and EarthBound. In this game, you follow the story of two main characters John and Sam. The duo embarks on a journey from underground to the surface, facing a mysterious miasma that threatens several towns.
The art style of "Eastward" is retro-inspired, love letter to 16-bit games, and the world is filled with quirky, colorful characters. A wholesome experience in a cozy but adventurous world.
"Clever, vibrant, and unappollogetically original... it will undouptedly go down as one of the best games of the year" (The Gamer)
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1. A Short Hike

A Short Hike is an indie game from 2019, that upon release often got compared to "Zelda: Breath of the Wild" due to its similarities in gameplay and exploration elements.
With its climbing and gliding mechanics, providing freedom for vertical exploration, it really reminds a bit of BotW and Tears of the Kingdom.
In "A Short Hike," players join the bird ,Claire, on a journey to Hawk Peak Provincial Park. Claire sets out to reach the mountain's summit for a cellphone signal. Along the way, she meets new animal friends, enjoys exciting adventures to reunite with her mother at the breathtaking peak.
The game's charming art style and relaxing atmosphere will last you only about 3 hours, but it is just the thing you need after spending days and nights in Tears of the Kingdom.