The Witcher 4 Is Officially in Pre-Production

The Witcher 4 is coming along nicely - the game is now officially in pre-production.

Witcher 4
Only a matter of years now... | © CDPR

Ok, we still don't know what we should call this next Witcher game. Technically, it's not The Witcher 4, but honestly... what else are we gonna call it without making things overly complicated? I guess 'The next Witcher game' would work, but that's just an unnecessary mouthful. Anyway... the next Witcher game is now officially in pre-production. Yay.

Witcher 4 Has Entered Pre-Production

Click the link above, if you want to get into the nitty-gritty of exactly what's going on at CDPR, but we have the higlights for you right here:

We have recently concluded the research phase for the first game in the new Witcher saga, which means that from now on further development expenditures will be capitalized on our balance sheet.

The quote above comes directly from CDPR president Adam Kicinski, but before you get all excited, do know this: A game being in pre-production does note equate a game being close to release. In fact, knowing that the next Witcher game has only just entered pre-production, means that the Witcher 4 is still years away from being released.

Thus far, all we have is the teaser that was released with the game's first announcement, which already led us to speculate on what new direction The Witcher series might take. Thus... patience my friends. All's well that ends well, and this rings doubly true for CDPR, who managed to pull a miracle with turning around the trainwreck that was Cyberpunk 2077.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....