The Witcher 3 gave us a very memorable villain – one that left a lot unexplored and is just begging to make a comeback: The Man of Glass. Could he be the main antagonist in The Witcher 4?

If you haven't played the Witcher 3, then... uhm... spoiler-alert. Then again, you wouldn't be on here if you hadn't, so that's redundant. Anyway, after how the Witcher 3 went down, it is very unlikely that Geralt will return. Thus, we might need a new main character, but if Geralt does return, we have a suggestion on who The Witcher 4's main villain should be.
Gaunter O'Dimm Should Be the Villain in The Witcher 4
If you played Hearts of Stone, you know him already, and you definitely remember him: Gaunter O'Dimm. He's the main antagonist, and does a damn good job at it. The best thing about it: There is so much mystery surrounding him, that he leaves a lot of character left to explore – enough to be the main villain in The Witcher 4.
His story and his evil are simply badass: He is a deity of sorts, that creates contracts with people when they're desperate – contracts that often have dire consequences. It's a lot like the devil is portrayed in some tales, and that's probably why this character works so well. What's more, O'Dimm has enough reason to go after Geralt, since Geralt got the best of him at the end of Hearts of Stone. As beings of power often are, Gaunter O'Dimm gets super salty about the audacity of Geralt, and kind of declares a personal war on him. To give this even more weight, in one of the endings, a dwarf makes a reference to 'Mr. Mirrory' – a play on O'Dimm's nickname 'Man of Glass'...
Only time will tell, but if I have a vote in it, the Man of Glass will make a return in the Witcher 4. The only issue with this is... will Geralt even return? Luckily, The Witcher 4 is already in development, so we will find out soon enough.
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