This Will Be the Smartest Action Game Ever

The Total War developers are reportedly working on a third-person action game. Here's everything we know about this unexpected news,

Total War Creative Assembly third person action game
As long as the afro is a thing. | © Mariusz Kozik

Total War is awesome, like... flat out awesome. At the same time, though, Total War is hard to play: The strategy is deep, and thus the gameplay is fairly complex. It has to be though, because Total War is a serious historic behemoth, and if you ever wanted to learn while gaming - this is the game for you. From Caesar, to the Chinese empire, to whatever periood of history you fancy - Total War has probably covered it, and done so in detail. So imagine our surprie, when hearing that this series, which is tailor-made for the RTS genre, is making the transition to a thid-person action game.


Total War Action Game in Development

Not much is known about the game yet, except that it's definitely in development and that it will run on Unreal Engine 5. If you're worried that this means Creative Assembly is no longer dedicated to the RTS genre, don't be, because the Total War series is not going anywhere. The devs confirmed that "CA Sofia will also continue to remain home to a dedicated Total War team working on future releases"


Since little is known about the game, we naturally don't have a release date yet either. Still, Creative Assembly is known for their quality, as well as their variety, so that begs the question: Warhammer, history, mythology? This game could go either way, and I, for one, have high expectations.

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....