We Have The Last Of Us At Home: Shameless Clone Appears On Switch

The Last of Us is too expensive? Don't worry, the Nintendo Switch online shop offers a shameless Last of Us clone that looks as cheap as it is.

The Last Hope Last of Us Clone
It's like they didn't even try... | © VG Games

On June 30, 2023, The Last of U- uhm, I mean, The Last Hope was released on Nintendo Switch eShop, exclusively in the United Kingdom. Since Nintendo Switch isn't region-locked, for just £0.99 you can have a The Last of Us ripoff that doesn't even try to hide where it's got its... inspiration from.

It's completely weird and so bad, that I'm hoping it's just a prank... they can't be serious with that, and you'll see why.

The Last Hope Is A Shameless The Last Of Us Clone

In The Last Hope you play as Brian Lee (or Liam as he introduces himself as). According to the trailer, he is a time traveling wheelchair user, who doesn't need a wheelchair in the zombie apocalyptic past (I don't get it either, okay?) who meets the only other survivor, Eve (or sometimes Eva). A young girl who looks pretty familiar and who Brian Liam wants to bring to a safe place.

The Last Hope Gameplay
Wow! Look at this detailed visuals! | © VG Games
The game's immersive atmosphere is enhanced by its detailed visuals, eerie sound design, and a gripping storyline that unfolds as you progress. Do you have what it takes to survive the relentless onslaught of the undead, complete harrowing missions, and ultimately find your way to safety? Brace yourself for a heart-pounding journey in The Last Hope: Dead Zone Survival.

The trailer shows us something different. And while some games and movies can be so bad they're good again, this one isn't.

The start in the hospital resembles another well-known zombie-story, don't you think? Although the video says otherwise, the gameplay pretty much looks the same – horrible, as you can see in RG...'s YouTube video.

It is doubtful that there is even a hint of storytelling in this poor imitation, let alone meaningful choices. You don't even have to engage in fights with the zombies, most of the time you can just walk past them as long as the poor AI of Eve/a doesn't cower if a zombie walkstoo close to her.

If you can keep it going for that long, you can finish the game in roughly one hour, as long as you don't die all the time as the zombies will attack you even during freaking cutscenes! Oh, and if you die, the game of course will inform you about it. "You Dead". No joke. Or rather, one of the reasons I truly hope this whole game is a joke.

It will be interesting to see when The Last Hope will be removed from the Nintendo Switch shop...

Well, the first version for PC of The Last of Us did look quite similar concerning the graphics, though...

Inga Mainka
Inga Mainka