Wo Long Fallen Dynasty: Best Wizard Abilities

In Wo Long Fallen Dynasty you have to master many things. Also your abilities for magic. We show you the best wizard abilities.

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Wo Long Fallen Dynasty: Best Wizard Abilities | © KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty incorporates various gameplay elements and Wizardry abilities that can greatly aid you in your mission to conquer the game.

Expect a taxing gameplay experience with challenging bosses that will relentlessly attack you. To succeed in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, you must ensure that you are equipped with the best weapons, armor, and Wizardry abilities.

If you're unsure where to start, we have the top Wizardry skills that you should consider purchasing in the game.

Wo Long: Best Wizard Abilities

In Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, Wizardry Spells are a crucial aspect of combat, serving as active abilities that incorporate elemental properties related to the Five Phases philosophy.

These Spells offer various effects, including magical attacks, crowd control, buffs, healing, traversal, and weapon enhancement.

Players can use Wizardry Spells when the necessary conditions are met, and they are categorized into offensive, defensive, and support Spells.

These Spells are organized by the elemental Phase they belong to, including Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.

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Wo Long Fallen Dynasty: Wizard Abilities | © KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD.

By utilizing Wizardry Spells, players can gain a significant advantage in combat and overcome the most challenging opponents and situations.

Each element has its own skill tree of spells, accessible through the 'Learn Wizardry Spells' section of the 'Wizardry Spells' menu when resting at a Battle Flag.

As players level up, they receive points for each tree at specific level milestones to allocate as they see fit.

It's crucial to note the numerical values next to each spell before unlocking them.

The numbers indicate the rank needed in the associated phase, the Morale Rank required to use the spell in combat, and the spirit cost of the spell.

Players need to defeat enemies consecutively to reach the Morale Rank and retain access to the spell.

The spirit cost is the negative spirit damage suffered when using the spell, and spamming spells drains the spirit, leaving players vulnerable to enemy attacks.Players can customize their loadout of Wizardry Spells through the 'Set Wizardry Spells' submenu of the 'Wizardry Spells' Battle Flag menu.

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Wo Long Fallen Dynasty: Spell usage | © KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD.

During combat, players can use spells by pressing RT/R2 and the face buttons, and the spells will be greyed out if they're unavailable.The choice of Wizardry Spells depends on the player's character build, elemental levels, and playstyle. The article below lists some of the best spells across all five phases.

Elemental Properties

Each Wizardry Spell in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is associated with one of the Five Phases, which is a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy. The Elemental Properties and Affinity of each Spell are influenced by the corresponding Phase. The Five Phases are as follows:Wood Phase: This Phase is associated with the element of Lightning and primarily focuses on offensive Spells that can afflict enemies with the Shock status effect. It also includes healing and buffing Spells.Fire Phase: The main element of this Phase is Flame, and its Spells are mainly offensive in nature, dealing damage and inflicting the Burn status effect on enemies. Buffing Spells in this Phase enhance the caster's offensive abilities.

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Wo Long Fallen Dynasty: Best choice for the right elemental propertie in fight | © KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD.

Earth Phase: This Phase is associated with the element of Stone and excels in defense and buffing. Its Spells can inflict the Faint status effect on enemies and typically have knockback effects, making them effective at keeping multiple enemies at bay.Metal Phase: The primary element of this Phase is Toxin, and its Spells focus on Damage-Over-Time and increasing the potency of status effects inflicted on opponents. Toxin attacks can afflict enemies with the Poison status effect.Water Phase: This Phase is associated with the element of Ice and offers quick-firing offensive Spells that can inflict the Frostbite status effect on enemies. It also includes Spells with traversal components and those that cater to stealth-oriented playstyles.

Each Wizardry Spell category or Phase is associated with one of the Five Phases Virtues of the player character. By investing more points into a particular phase, the corresponding spells will deal more damage or have a higher potency for their respective Status Effects.

For instance, if the player invests heavily in the Wood Virtue, their Wood Phase spells will have increased damage output, and any healing and buffing spells within the category will have greater potency.

Additionally, it will take fewer Lightning-elemental hits to inflict the Shock status effect on enemies.

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Wo Long Fallen Dynasty: Choose the right spells | © KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD.

Sells & Spirit Consumption

In Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, each Wizardry Spell has a specific Spirit cost associated with it, which is displayed as a numerical value alongside the spirit icon on the spell's information page.

Although the Spirit mechanic in Wo Long is not as limiting as other games, there are still certain factors that can affect your ability to cast spells.

The Spirit Gauge is a fluctuating resource that powers your abilities and can be increased by landing basic attacks on enemies.

It can be decreased by performing Spirit-based actions such as dodging, deflecting, using Spirit Attacks, Martial Arts, and casting Wizardry Spells.

If the Spirit Gauge falls too low, you may be staggered by enemy attacks or may not have enough Spirit to cast spells.

On the other hand, being in the positive range of the Spirit Gauge can improve the potency and damage of your abilities, including Wizardry Spells.

Therefore, it is advantageous to raise the Spirit Gauge before casting spells to maximize their effectiveness.

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Wo Long Fallen Dynasty: Spirit Consumption must be considered | © KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD.

Spirit will gradually return to neutral after a period of inactivity, regardless of whether the Gauge is in the positive or negative range.Investing points into the Metal Virtue can decrease the amount of Spirit consumed by Wizardry Spells, allowing players to cast more spells without depleting their Spirit Gauge.

Elemental Counters

Wizardry Spells use the Five Phases to interact in different ways, with certain elements being stronger or weaker depending on the situation and opposing elements.

This creates a "Rock, Paper, Scissors" mechanic, where you can use an element to counter another that it is strong against.

This applies practically by allowing you to destroy enemy elemental projectiles and areas of effect by using a similar projectile or area of effect from the superior element.

For example, if an opponent throws a Fireball at you, you can cast the Water Phase's Frost Lance spell to cancel it out.

  • Wood Overcomes Earth
  • Earth Overcomes Water
  • Water Overcomes Fire
  • Fire Overcomes Metal
  • Metal Overcomes Wood

When it comes to countering, the size of a spell's hitzone matters, and it is generally safest to use spells that release in a cone or large area of effect to counter multiple projectiles.

Some enemy projectiles may also be released in a staggered fashion, and one counterspell may be able to deflect the early parts of a barrage but not the rest, so experimentation is necessary to find the best strategies for each situation.Buffing spells from the superior opposing element can also counteract enemy spells that cause the accumulation or infliction of status effects.

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Wo Long Fallen Dynasty: Beware of the elemental counters | © KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD.

For example, if you are hit by a Toxin spell and are poisoned, you can cast the Fire Phase's Overpower Burst to negate the status effect.

However, if you have a buff from an element and are hit by attacks from the superior opposing element, the buff will be canceled. Lastly, if you are already afflicted by a status effect, casting a buff from the inferior opposing element will have no effect but will still consume Spirit and perform the cast animation.When opposing elements clash both elements will briefly flash around the impact point, indicating a countereffect is taking place.

Apart from counterspell effects, players can also increase specific Virtues and equip gear with high Elemental Resistance to better defend against certain elements and their effects.

Using Spells

Players are able to equip Wizardry Spells at any Battle Flag. They can equip a maximum of four spells simultaneously, with each spell assigned to a different face button on the controller, such as the △, Ο, ⨉, and ▢ buttons on Playstation, or the Y, B, A, and X buttons on Xbox.

To cast a spell, players must hold down R2/RT and press the corresponding button, provided that certain conditions are met.

However, each spell has a required Virtue Level before it can be equipped, which is indicated by a number displayed on the spell's information screen following specific icons.

Spells & Morale Rank

Morale plays an essential role in using Wizardry Spells, as each spell has a minimum Morale Rank that must be met to cast it.

The Morale Rank is indicated by an icon and a numerical value on the Spell's info screen.

The more potent spells are locked behind a high Morale Rank, making them inaccessible until certain conditions are met.

Morale is a fluctuating modifier for both the player and enemies, adding another layer to combat.

Defeating enemies and landing specific attacks will raise your Morale Points, and it will increase in Rank after reaching certain thresholds.

A higher Morale Rank boosts your damage output and reduces the damage you take from enemy attacks.

However, enemies also have their Morale Rank, and facing opponents with a much higher Morale Rank than surrounding basic units makes them more challenging to defeat.

If you are hit by an enemy's Fatal Strike, you will lose a portion of Morale Points, causing your Morale Rank to decrease. Conversely, landing Fatal Strikes on enemies will grant you a considerable amount of Moral Points, making it easier to rank up.If you fall in combat, you will lose all accumulated Morale, along with half of your Genuine Qi, and the enemy that dealt the final blow will have their Morale Rank increased by one.

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Wo Long Fallen Dynasty: Morale must also be considered when fighting with magic | © KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD.

To recover lost Morale and Qi, you must successfully defeat the same enemy. However, if you fall in combat again before regaining your lost Morale and Qi, they are gone forever.Throughout a mission, you will encounter Battle Flags, which will act as checkpoints. Interacting with a Battle Flag for the first time in a mission will raise your Fortitude, preventing your Morale from falling below your current Fortitude Rank even if you fall in battle.

Additionally, you can find Marking Flags near Enemy Leaders. Defeating these leaders for the first time in a mission allows you to take their flag, increasing your Fortitude Rank.

The more flags you find throughout the mission, the higher your Fortitude Rank, making it easier to maintain your Morale and cast your most powerful spells. Note that the Morale Rank starts at 0 with every mission.

Best Wood Spells

In Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, the Wood Phase Spells constitute a specific group of Wizardry Spells with elemental properties tied to the Five Phases philosophy.

These active skills can be triggered when specific conditions are met, and their effects can range from powerful magical attacks, crowd control, and self or ally buffs to healing, traversal, and weapon enchantment.

The Wood Phase Spells specifically employ Lightning as their primary element, and their offensive spells can inflict the Shock status effect on targets. In addition, the Wood Phase features a variety of healing and buffing spells, and its spells can counteract the attacks and effects of Earth Phase Spells.

  • Spirit Fervor: This ability bestows a beneficial effect upon you and your allies, which enhances the amount of Spirit gained when attacking.
  • Lightning Weapon: This skill imbues your current melee weapon with the power of lightning for a specified duration.
  • Focus Zone: Creates a zone where allies deal extra damage to enemies who are within its boundaries.
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Wo Long Fallen Dynasty: Lightning spell | © KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD.

Best Fire Spells

Fire Phase Spells belong to the subcategory of Wizardry Spells in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, which are active skills that incorporate the Five Phases philosophy and elemental properties.

These spells can be activated under certain conditions and have a wide range of effects, including devastating magical attacks, crowd control, buffs for self and allies, healing, traversal, and weapon enhancement.

Fire Phase Spells are a type of Wizardry Spell that uses Flame as its main element and is primarily designed for offensive purposes. Its spells focus on inflicting damage and can cause the Burn status effect on targets. Additionally, its buffing spells are aimed at enhancing the caster's offensive abilities, and it can be used to counter Metal Phase attacks and effects.

  • Amplify Damage: Boosts both the damage dealt to enemies by you and the damage you receive from them for a specific duration.
  • Flame Weapon: Temporarily imbues your melee weapon with the power of fire, adding a Flame effect for a limited duration.
  • Scorch Spinner: Channels a jet of fire from both hands, engulfing nearby enemies in a blaze.
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Wo Long Fallen Dynasty: Fire spell | © KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD.

Best Earth Spells

In Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, Earth Phase Spells are part of the Wizardry Spells subcategory that involves active skills with elemental properties tied to the Five Phases philosophy.

Each spell has varying effects, including destructive magical attacks, crowd control, self and ally buffs, healing, traversal, and weapon enchantment.

Earth Phase Spells specifically use Stone as their primary element and are known for their defensive and buffing capabilities.

Despite their focus on defense, Earth Phase Spells also have offensive spells that can cause the Faint status effect on targets.

These spells often include knockback effects and are useful for keeping multiple enemies at bay. Additionally, Earth Phase Spells are a direct counter to attacks and effects of the Water Phase variety.

  • Enhanced Defense: Grants temporary damage reduction from enemies and immunity to flinching, except from particularly potent attacks, for a specific duration.
  • Rock Toughness: Lessens the Spirit damage inflicted by enemy attacks and provides a one-time benefit that stops your Morale Rank from decreasing when struck by a Critical Blow from an enemy.
  • Illusionary Shell: Produces an intangible barrier around you for a limited duration, which can absorb a specific amount of damage.
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Wo Long Fallen Dynasty: Earth spell | © KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD.

Best Metal Spells

The subcategory of Wizardry Spells in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty known as Metal Phase Spells is made up of active skills that use the Toxin element as their primary element.

These spells focus on damage-over-time effects, debuffs, and increasing the potency of status effects inflicted on opponents.

Toxin attacks can cause the Poison status effect on targets.

Additionally, Metal Phase Spells are effective at countering attacks and effects of the Wood Phase variety.

Wizardry Spells in general are cast when certain conditions are met and have a range of effects, including destructive magical attacks, crowd control, self and ally buffs, healing, traversal, and weapon enchantment.

  • Calamity Bolts: Unleashes cursed projectiles forward, which diminish the damage dealt by enemies hit for a specific duration.
  • Life Wither: Launches a cursed projectile forward, causing enemies hit to take increased damage for a specific duration.
  • Toxin Weapon: Temporarily imbues your melee weapon with the power of poison, adding a Toxic effect for a limited duration.
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Wo Long Fallen Dynasty: Poisoned | © KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD.

Best Water Spells

In Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, Water Phase Spells are a subcategory of Wizardry Spells that utilize Ice as their primary element.

These spells offer quick-firing offensive capabilities, including single-target and area-of-effect attacks that can inflict the Frostbite status effect.

Additionally, Water Phase Spells have spells with traversal components and cater to stealth-oriented playstyles.

They are effective at countering attacks and effects of the Fire Phase variety.

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Wo Long Fallen Dynasty: Water spell | © KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD.

Wizardry Spells, in general, are active skills with elemental properties tied to the Five Phases philosophy that can be cast under specific conditions and have varying effects, including destructive magical attacks, crowd control, self and ally buffs, healing, traversal, and weapon enchantment.

  • Cloud Stance: Temporarily decreases the amount of Spirit consumed when deflecting for a specific duration.
  • Unseeable Form: Grants temporary invisibility to your body, rendering you undetectable by enemies for a specific duration.
  • Ice Weapon: Temporarily imbues your melee weapon with the power of ice, adding an Icy effect for a limited duration.
Sabrina Breitenmoser

Sabrina here; I work as an intern for EarlyGame. Growing up, I was completely enchanted by stories like "The Chronicles of Narnia" and "Eragon: The Legend of the Dragon Riders" and always dreamed of being an author. Yet, I eventually...