Game Over: These 8 EA Games Are Shut Down In 2024

EA has announced multiple games will be shutting down in 2024. Is your favorite game on the list?

Rocket Arena
EA has announced 8 games they're putting on ice. | © EA

With new games getting released and trends changing in the gaming sphere, there are always older titles that lose a player base and therefore aren't profitable for companies anymore. So, just like in previous years, EA has revealed a few games that will get shut down in 2024.

EA usually announces these shut-downs of online services and maintenance to games pretty early, so that people who still play the games know what is to come. So far, eight games have been revealed to be shutting down this year.


EA Says Goodbye: List Of Games Getting Shut Down This Game

F1 Race Stars
Multiple racing games are on the list. | © EA

EA has revealed a list of eight games that will be shut down this year. This means that online services and some features of the games will be shut down, meaning there won't be anymore maintenance and that these games could also be removed from the EA store completely.

Here are the eight games that will be shut down in 2024.

  • F1 2011 – March 21
  • F1 2012 – March 21
  • F1 2013 – March 21
  • F1 2014 – March 21
  • F1 Race Stars – March 21
  • Micromachines World Series – March 21
  • Rocket Arena – March 21
  • Madden NFL 20 – April 15

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Multiple F1 games are being shut down this year, probably due to expiring licenses. These games have already been delisted anyways, so there haven't been any new players in recent months either.

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Sports games like Madden NFL 20 shutting down isn't anything new. We're in 2024 and no one truly wants to play an outdated sports game with players that might not even be relevant anymore, so there is no surprise here either that the game is being shut down this year.

Rocket Arena can be summarized as a hot mess from start to finish, so the game getting axed like this is no surprise either. It is sad, though, since it had great potential to be a fun shooter...

Just The Beginning Of EA Shutting Down Games

Madden 20 is going to be shut down. | © EA

It is important to note that these eight games could just be the first batch of games getting shut down this year. There were already quite a few games that had their online services cut last year, and this year could add even more than just the eight mentioned above.

The dates for the shut downs for these games are all in early 2024, so we expect more games to be revealed for the end of 2024 as well.

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....