Hidden PlayStation Gem Is Getting A Movie That We All Forgot About, Sony Reminds Us By Showing Early Footage

The PlayStation exclusive Gravity Rush is getting a movie, as we were reminded during Sony's CES 2024 press conference.

Gravity rush motion capture split
Gravity Rush: PlayStation exclusive is getting a movie. | © Sony Picture Entertainment/EarlyGame

We know, we know. There are Horizon and God of War shows in the making, but Sony just reminded us that they have yet another adaption in their arsenal.

Gravity Rush: Sony Let Us Glimpse Behind The Scenes

What The Game Is About:

The action-adventure, first released in 2012, was considered a real hidden gem. Players take on the role of a young woman with missing memories. When she realizes she can manipulate gravity, her very own superhero journey begins as she saves the city of Hekseville from gravity storms and monsters.

Back in 2022 the works on an upcoming Gravity Rush movie were announced. We almost didn't have it on our radar anymore, but thankfully, Sony subtly gave us a little reminder.

During the CES 2024 press conference, they showed tiny video snippets teasing the Gravity Rush movie, that They're currently working on. The clips feature an animated female character jumping off a building into the arms of a demon-like creature, along with what appears to be the corresponding motion-capture filming.

Skip to 02:13 for the mentioned footage:

It may not be much, but if you liked the game, you could be hyped about what is to come. What do you think about the clips we got to see? Tell us in the comments!

Marie-Lena Höftmann

After a childhood full of videogames, Miffy devoted herself to her greatest passion within her academic studies. Aside from science, she has spent too many hours in Dead by Daylight, loves to shred through Souls-likes or chills in Animal Crossing....