Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Cutscene Reveals Why They're Fighting

Nintendo released the brand-new and polished opening sequence from the new Mario vs. Donkey Kong, revealing what they are actually fighting over.

Mario vs donkey kong
Mario's and DK's relationship is... complicated | © Open AI/EarlyGame/Nintendo

Although the two video game legends are known as buddies nowadays, the relationship between Mario and Donkey Kong is a complex story filled with a bunch of misunderstandings. With Mario's first appearance in the 1981 arcade game Donkey Kong, the foundation for his illustrious career as a video game plumber was laid. Back then, DK appeared as his major adversary, who had kidnapped the lady of Mario's heart (then Pauline, not Peach).

But that's not the reason for their conflict in the new Mario vs. Donkey Kong, as the recently released opening sequence of the remake shows.

Opening Cutscene Reveals The Reason For Mario And DK's Fight

While in the GBA version from 2004 the story was told with rudimentary, still images depicting how DK messed up this time, we can now marvel at the story in smooth frame rate and HD resolution.

The sequence depicts the bored giant ape, channel surfing on TV. His attention is quickly caught by an intrusive ad urging him to get the latest Mini Mario toy. Hooked by this irresistible offer, DK sets out to clear out the stores, but to his dismay, all Mini Marios are already sold out. The bombastic marketing worked like a charm.

Mario vs donkey kong
Mario catching Donkey Kong in the act | © Nintendo

Conveniently, the toy factory producing the little figurines is right next to the store, and the hairy giant decides to empty the warehouse, traumatizing a few Toads in the process. But he doesn't get away with it that easily, as our savior Mario arrives at the scene of the crime. And so begins a chase for life and death. Well, maybe it's not that serious after all.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong will be released on February 2, featuring an additional casual mode, two new worlds and a multiplayer mode with Toad as the second playable character.

Marie-Lena Höftmann

After a childhood full of videogames, Miffy devoted herself to her greatest passion within her academic studies. Aside from science, she has spent too many hours in Dead by Daylight, loves to shred through Souls-likes or chills in Animal Crossing....