The Best Deals At The Nintendo eShop Christmas Sale 2023

Like every year since the Nintendo Switch got released, Nintendo launched a Christmas Sale for the Nintendo eShop in 2023 as well. We'll show you the 5 best deals below!

Festive Offers Nintendo
Nintendo eShop Christmas Sale. | © Nintendo

The festive offers have begun! Nintendo Switch owners now also get to enjoy a sale with lots of amazing price cuts. More than 3,000 games are currently on sale in the Nintendo eShop until December 31. We'll show you the best offers we found.


Nintendo Switch Christmas Sale 2023: The Best Offers

Little Nightmares I & II

Little Nightmares I and II
Little Nightmares I & II. | © Nintendo

Let's start off with Little Nightmares I and II. To anyone who still doesn't know the games, even if I doubt it, Little Nightmares are riddle-jump-and-run-adventures, containing haunting and disturbing tales about a little guy, making it through his nightmares, puzzle after puzzle.

Little Nightmares I is on sale for £7.49 and Little Nightmares II for £8.19. Both games usually cost around £30. Keep in mind to buy those games separately, though, as the bundle is not cheaper.

If you enjoy creepy jump-and-run games, you should also check out Inside and Limbo.

Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy. | © Nintendo

This game is a must-have in your collection if you like magic and especially Harry Potter. Exploring through the open world, you can freely roam in Hogwarts and other areas. You can also learn spells, brew potions and much more. By experiencing the wizarding world, you will uncover a forgotten era that was hidden from the past.

You can get Hogwarts Legacy for £34.99 instead of £49.99. If you consider that this game just released a month ago on the Nintendo Switch, this is a great deal.

Persona 5 Royal

Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal. | © Nintendo

Dive into the world of an award-winning RPG. Haunted from a strange dream, the main protagonist, a high school student in Tokyo, has to save others from distorted desires by donning the mask of a Phantom Thief.

You can currently get it for £27.49 instead of £54.99.

Monopoly For Nintendo Switch

Monopoly for Nintendo Switch
Monopoly for Nintendo Switch. | © Nintendo

Looking for a game you can play together with your friends? Well, try out Monopoly on the Nintendo Switch. Growing your empire anywhere, anytime, Monopoly is a great alternative to Mario Party. So, if you're tired of all the random factors in Mario Party, try your luck with this game instead.

For only £5.99 instead of £29.99, this is one of the best deals Nintendo got to offer.

Mario + Rabbids – Sparks of Hope

Mario + Rabbids – Sparks of Hope
Mario + Rabbids – Sparks of Hope | © Nintendo

Together with Mario, Luigi, Peach, as well as Rabbid Peach and Rabbid Luigi, you can explore planets throughout the galaxy with the goal to save your Spark companions from a malevolent entity. From a total of nine heroes, you can pick three for your dream team, taking down bosses and other enemies on your galactic journey.

You can get the game for £20.99 instead of £49.99, making it the best deal this year with almost £30.00 discount.

If you want to find out more about other offers, click here.


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Eric Leneschmidt

Eric loved playing video games since he was little and is now a gaming journalist at EarlyGame. To escape from his League of Legends addiction, he also enjoys movies, TV shows, as well as internet drama....