The Horror Game Crossover We've All Wanted – Alan Wake Is Coming To Dead by Daylight

It was just revealed who the next survivor is going to be in the new Dead by Daylight installment. None other than the popular writer from his very-own horror game – Alan Wake.

Alan Wake
Alan Wake is coming to Dead by Daylight. | © Remedy Entertainment

Behaviour Interactive, the developers of Dead by Daylight, just dropped a bombshell on everyone. Alan Wake is coming to the game as the next survivor, and it's got quite a few people pretty excited to get back to the game to try and survive.

Dead by Daylight keeps things fresh with new killers and survivors on a regular basis, but this is a crossover most would have never dreamed up in their sleep. The only thing more surprising might have been a Mickey Mouse killer...


Alan Wake In Dead by Daylight

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Alan Wake is a well-known writer in his own horror/thriller game. In those games, he's known to use his flashlight as a tool to burn away the darkness from his foes, but how will his tool kit from the Alan Wake games translate over into Dead by Daylight?

Thankfully, Behaviour has already outlined what his kit will entail in the patch notes preview for the next Dead by Daylight chapter to get players excited for Alan Wake and to want to play him. He's actually looking pretty powerful.

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  • Champion of Light
    • While you are holding a flashlight, this perk activates. When you are shining a flashlight, you have 50% Haste. When you successfully blind the Killer, they also gain 20% Hindered for 6 seconds. This effect cannot stack with itself. Then, this perk goes on cool-down for 80/70/60 seconds.
  • Boon: Illumination
    • Press and hold the Ability button 1 near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem. Soft chimes ring out in a 24-meter range. Survivors inside your boon totem’s range see the aura of all chests and all generators in blue. If you have a lit boon totem, you cleanse or bless totems 6/8/10% faster. You can only bless one Totem at a time. All equipped boon perks are active on your Boon Totem.
  • Deadline
    • This perk activates when you are injured. Skill Checks appear 6/8/10% more frequently when repairing or healing and appear in random places. The penalty for missing skill checks is reduced by 50%.

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Champion of Light actually looks like an impressive skill to have which could save you and your team from the killer's grasp. So, hopefully you can get away with more ease.

The next chapter is set to come out on January 30, 2024. Until then, you will have to be patient.

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....