Our Wuthering Waves Jinhsi materials guide lists all the Ascension and Talent upgrade materials you need to max out her.

Jinhsi is a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Spectro Element user and a Broadblade wielder in Wuthering Waves who will be joining the playable Resonator's roster in version 1.1.
While her character kit makes her a great Spectro DPS unit, and the fact that she plays a vital role in the game's story, there are many players who are eagerly waiting for her—not because of the reasons I mentioned but simply because she's a dragon lady and we gacha players don't miss out on dragon ladies.
So, if you are going to perform pulls on Jinhsi's limited-time banner, keep reading the guide, which lists all the Ascension and Talent upgrade materials you need for Jinhsi in Wuthering Waves.
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Wuthering Waves Jinhsi Ascension Materials

Here's the complete list of Ascension materials you need for Jinhsi in Wuthering Waves:
Ascension Level 1
- Shell Credits x5,000
- LF Howler Core x4
Ascension Level 2
- Shell Credits x10,000
- MF Howler Core x4
- Elegy Tacet Core x3
- Gloom Slough x4
Ascension Level 3
- Shell Credits x15,000
- MF Howler Core x8
- Elegy Tacet Core x6
- Gloom Slough x8
Ascension Level 4
- Shell Credits x20,000
- HF Howler Core x4
- Elegy Tacet Core x9
- Gloom Slough x12
Ascension Level 5
- Shell Credits x40,000
- HF Howler Core x8
- Elegy Tacet Core x12
- Gloom Slough x16
Ascension Level 6
- Shell Credits x80,000
- FF Howler Core x6
- Elegy Tacet Core x16
- Gloom Slough x20
Wuthering Waves Jinhsi Talent Upgrade Materials
Here's the complete list of materials you need for maxing out Jinhsi's Forte Circuit and abilities in Wuthering Waves:
- Sentinel's Dagger x26
- Waveworn Residue 210 x25
- Waveworn Residue 226 x28
- Waveworn Residue 235 x55
- Waveworn Residue 239 x67
- LF Howler Core x25
- MF Howler Core x28
- HF Howler Core x40
- FF Howler Core x57
- Shell Credit x2,300,000
That concludes our guide on Wuthering Waves Jinhsi materials.
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