Fallout Season 2 Confirmed: Expected Release, Plot, Cast & News

Amazon's Fallout TV show has reached insane heights with its release. Now that the first season is over, fans already want a season 2, and thankfully it was quickly confirmed that the show will continue. Here's everything we know about the second season already.

Fallout is one of the best video game adaptations out there. | © Amazon Prime

Amazon has just dropped its latest major video game television series on Prime Video: Fallout. Over the past few years, numerous streaming platforms have attempted to attract the dedicated fanbases of specific games by adapting them into series. Not all adaptations have been successful, but Fallout on Amazon Prime serves as a prime example of a video game adaptation done right.

The series already has an insanely high rating from both fans and critics, and so it's no huge surprise that Amazon has renewed the show for a second season.


Fallout Season 2 Confirmed

Amazon revealed in a new press release that Fallout will return for a second season. “Praise be to our insanely brilliant showrunners, Geneva and Graham, to our kick-ass cast, to Todd and James and all the legends at Bethesda, and to Jen, Vernon and the amazing team at Amazon for their incredible support of this show. We can’t wait to blow up the world all over again,” said executive producers Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy.

Fallout season 2 keyart showing Lucy, The Ghoul and Maximus
The show must go on after a successful first season. | © Amazon

How The Plot Could Continue

This section contains spoilers for Episode 8 of the Fallout series on Amazon.

In the final episode, Lucy MacLean's father, Hank, gets exposed with the truth being revealed behind his involvement in the nuclear destruction of Shady Sands. Hank then steals a T-60 power armor and escapes. In one of the final shots, we see Hank stumbling towards a well-known city in the desert: New Vegas.


A lot of roads lead to New Vegas. When Coop and Lucy join forces to go after Hank, Coop talks about how there is "always somebody behind the wheel" and commands Lucy to "come meet your makers". This strongly suggests that he is going after the people who are actually pulling the strings behind the conspiracies and happenings in the Wasteland. Every fan of New Vegas will know that the show is dropping some big hints towards Mr. House being the main antagonist in the second season of the show.

In the game, House is the secretive leader of the city and the main antagonist. Before the apocalypse he was the CEO of RobCo Industries, the company that created a lot of the iconic technology in the series like the Pip-Boys or the Mr. Handy robots. House can actually already be seen in the war room scene in episode 8: Rafi Silver plays the RobCo CEO during that scene and is explicitly named as "Robert House (RobCo)" in the credits. Folks, it's happening.

Mr. House in Fallout show and in Fallout New Vegas
That House tease was delicious. | © Amazon/Bethesda/EarlyGame

This has fans believing that the show will continue, only this time it will be set in and around New Vegas. Could this be why Amazon is also letting players play Fallout: New Vegas for free right now?

Not only are there hints within the show itself, but it's also been revealed that the California Film Commission has awarded a $152 million tax incentive to dozens of TV shows. Amongst them is Fallout. Season 2 happening seemed to be more a question of when, rather than if from that on out. The show will likely continue in 2025, unless production is somehow delayed.


Maximus chose to continue as a Knight of the Brotherhood by the end, and we're pretty sure the cold fusion reactor going online and the Brotherhood taking it over will play a big role in season 2.

One way or another, Maximus will likely end up in New Vegas alongside the main protagonist Lucy, who is looking to avenge her mother and is therefore going to New Vegas to find her father. The Ghoul is also looking for his own family, as well as Mr. House. Those two are set to become a more solid duo and their adventures will likely focus on the city of New Vegas.

So, how can the story continue? | © Bethesda

One big question mark surrounds Norm's story, which neither got a good resolution nor a big tease. However, the situation is pretty messed up. He is locked in Vault 31 with the brain of Bud Askins and there's no telling how that storyline could continue. However, it could easily get delightfully weird from there.

There are also a lot of tidbits and Easter eggs from both the games and the lore of Fallout to keep the story going well into a second, or even third, season. Whatever they end up including, after the successful first season and the hints towards what to expect for season 2 fans can definitely be excited for what's coming in the future.

Fallout's Returning Cast

Of course, Ella Purnell is going to reprise her role as Lucy in the second season of the show. Kyle MacLachlan should also return as her father, Hank, since his departure to New Vegas is set to play a key role in the second season.

The Ghoul
The Ghoul was one of the best characters. | © Amazon Prime

Walton Goggins and Aaron Clifton Moten should also return for the second season as Cooper/The Ghoul and Maximus.


Any other additions to the cast will be revealed with time. But we'll likely see some key personalities, like Mr. House, added to the main cast of the show.

There is ample source material and plot for the Fallout writers to work with for a second season. With the finale of the series moving towards New Vegas, we can definitely see some key characters from Fallout: New Vegas getting added in the upcoming season.

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....

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