LoL Arena: All Cameos And Their Abilities Explained

Riot recently introduced the new LoL game mode: Arena. To spice the game mode up, Riot decided to add champion cameos to the arena. Find out which abilities the different cameos have here.

LoL Arena
The LoL Arena, where champs fight to their death over and over again | © Riot Games

Come one, come all to the League of Legends game mode: Arena! In this special mode, 8 players compete against each other in multiple 2v2 rounds in the arena.

In order to make Arena a unique playing experience, Riot came out with 4 new Arena maps to push different gameplay styles in each combat area.

Arena also introduces new gameplay mechanics: a new terrain feature called Deep Water, and the Power Flower, which grants a shield, heals the player and gives you cooldown reduction.

But that's not all! To make sure each playing experience is unique, Riot decided to add multiple champion cameos to the new game mode.


Champ Cameos And Their Abilities

Since this particular game mode was released along with the Soul Fighter event, champs that have Soul Fighter skins appear as so-called Cameos throughout the course of the rounds. Through Cameos, Arena mode is supposed to have some variation and force players to try different tactics in each round.



LuxLux spawns in the middle of the map. Once the round starts, she rotates a laser tripwire, and casts her R, Final Spark, on any champion to trip it.
NaafiriNaafiri and her pack patrol the arena. They leap on any champions they come across.
PykePyke will occasionally cast his E, Phantom Undertow, at the furthest player on the map.
SamiraSamira appears as an untargetable unit. She combos off of players crowd control and casts her ultimate after doing so 6 times.
SettSett can be attacked by players. He will cast his W, Haymaker, at the enemies of whoever last-hitted him.
EvelynnEvelynn's cameo grants all players camoflage.
GwenGwen will occasionally grant her W, Hallowed Mist, to the player with the lowest health.
JhinJhin casts his R, Curtain Call, and alternates his shots on each player.
ShacoShaco continously places jack-in-the-boxes, his W, all around the map.
ViegoThe first player to die will become Viego for some time.

Who knows, if Arena mode is here to stay, perhaps we'll see some new cameos in the future?


Carina Toenges

Hey guys, I’m Carina! I’m currently studying Journalism and write for EarlyGame’s Gaming and LoL categories. Whether it’s Stardew Valley, Dead by Daylight or even League of Legends, I love playing and writing about all sorts of video games! ...