LoL Arena: The Most Hated Cameo In The Game Mode

The LoL Arena Mode has gotten some new champion cameos as map Hazards. The community doesn't really like them. But one already hated Champion stands out.

The LoL Arena mode now has a most hated Hazard Champion |©Riot Games (Montage)

In LoL Patch 13.14 Riot released the new LoL Arena mode and in it they had some cool champion cameos. Now in the next update even more of those cameos have been added to the list and well... some of them weren't that well received.

Especially one of them sparked huge amounts of hate, since they simply destroy certain types of champions.


LoL Arena: Evelynn Might Be The Most Hated Cameo

Well, the title says it all. Evelynn was recently added as a so-called Hazard to the new LoL Arena Mode. She was part of a whole group of newly introduced Hazards for the game mode but has become the most hated of them fairly quickly – other than maybe Viego but he already got removed from the mode.

The reason, why the community singled out Evelynn as the most annoying cameo is simple – due to her ability, squishy champions like ADC's or mages can't play the game. Because on an Evelynn map everyone has a chance to go invisible, once nobody is around to see you anymore.

Sounds fun, when you're playing an ADC or mage, and you simply get oneshotted by an invisible Annie, right? Right?

Oh No! It's Evelynn and shes stealing your Arena Win |©Riot Games

Of course her state of the game and the state of the whole arena mode has to be discussed by the community. The best place to do is obviously the ever burning League of Legends Subreddit. And so the user "WM46" took to the forum to phrase his hate towards Evelynn in a thread with the fitting title "Evelynn Arena effect is a huge "fuck you" to anyone versus burst damage"

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In the thread, "Wm46" describes his recent encounters and experiences with Evelynn as the Hazard of the map. Needlessly to say that these encounters weren't going his way,

There is no worse feeling than playing any ADC or fighter, and then getting matched up against Annie, Amumu, Udyr, Jayce, or any of the other really bursty champions that want to get in your face. It's basically a guaranteed loss since there's no good way to force them to waste an ability if they bide their time.

He continues with a suggestion on how to fix the Evelynn problem, by changing her buff a little bit. According to "WM46" this would give everyone a chance to fight with normal reaction times,


Evelynn's buff should really be changed to something like "camouflage for 7 seconds every 10 seconds" so everyone gets an opportunity to fight with normal reaction times. And if you are the Annie in this situation, you get 7 seconds to find your target before you need to back off.

Surely an interesting idea, that might solve some problems with the invisible oneshots. But would it really change something about the problem itself, that everybody gets invisible? Since the beginning of League of Legends there were hundreds of thousands of players that were complaining about invisibility in the game in general.

And just thinking about an invisibility buff for ALL champs gives me shivers. Let's just throw out the whole concept of invisibility in League of Legend. Ok, but back to the topic and let's take a look at some community reactions regarding Evelynn in the Arena Mode and "WM46" suggestions.


Community Reactions

It seems like the community truly despises Evelynn in the Arena Mode |©Riot Games

Well, it seems like a big portion of the Subreddit users are sharing the views of "WM46". The whole concept of invisibility for everyone seems to spark some special outrage. The user "randonmame1" points out, that even tankier champions aren't fun to play with this buff,

Even as a melee champion this arena is not fun lol. You just walk into each other like clowns and someone dies randomly.

The user "Araboth" criticizes Riot's way with invisibility in general,

Riot is continously forcing stealth and camouflage mechanics onto players although the community very cleary communicates that these mechanics are incredibly unfun to play against. It's obvious that certain arenas are more favourable for certain champs but the problem with camouflage and stealth is that it prevents any form of counterplay. Getting oneshot out of invis is the least interactive form of gameplay

Many other users also had pretty negative experiences with the new Hazards and Evelynn in particular. It will be interesting to see, how and if Riot is going to react to this criticism.

The Arena Mode has huge potential to be one of the most popular game modes in history, and it would be sad to witness a downfall of this mode. Surely, the mode had its problem before the integration of the new Hazards, but now it feels unfair for many players. Or to phrase it in the words of the user "varbaveri",

Noone asked for the new arena effects, it was pretty okay. Everyone were like "ahh shit it's that annoying Lux" but now everything is annoying and unfun.

A dangerous mixture. Of course, we will keep you up-to-date on the situation and about possible coming changes.

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Henning Paul
Henning Paul