Bel'Veth is the newest League of Legends champion, and we'll show you how to play her, as well as which items you should build!

The 160th League of Legends champion is the jungler Bel'Veth. A creature that wants to suck everything into itself and can devour entire worlds. Well, the first part sounds kinda sus. Bel'Veth is definitely a unique champion, and it will definitely be a little weird to play her – at least in the beginning. We want to help you out and show you the best runes, items, and jungle path. Hopefully this Bel'Veth guide will help you dominate the jungle.
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Bel'Veth – Runes And Item Builds
Which Runes Should You Use For Bel'Veth?
Bel'Veth simply is Master Yi on crack. Auto-Attacks are by far your main source of damage, and this is also reflected by the runes. We recommend going into the Precision Tree and taking Lethal Tempo. After that, take Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and Last Stand. These runes simply help Bel'Veth scale better into the late game, so you will have maximum damage output.
For the secondary Rune Path, you should focus on Inspiration. Here we take Magical Footwear and Cosmic Insight. Magical Footwear helps Bel'Veth save gold, since most of her items are pretty expensive. Cosmic Insight makes it easier for us to track enemies or to get away faster in case of need.
Which Items Should You Buy With Bel'Veth?
Bel'Veth just loves Attack Speed. Her entire kit revolves around Attack Speed, and the items should make that pretty obvious. Bel'Veth scales with both Attack Speed and AP, but in this guide we focus more on the Attack Speed side of things. Your first item should either be Kraken Slayer or Immortal Shieldbow. Kraken Slayer in case you want to inflict more damage, although Bel'Veth's true damage later on is already pretty disgusting. With this item combo, tanks won't be a problem for you anymore. Immortal Shieldbow is superior if you want to have more survivability – especially because the early game of Bel'Veth is extremely weak.
There is a lot of flexibility when choosing your boots. Berserkers Greaves for a more offensive play style, or Mercury Treads and Plated Steelcaps for a more defensive option. Following this is another Attack Speed item: Guinsoo's Rageblade. This converts your crit chance into more on-hit damage, which works extremely well with your Ult later on.
This should be followed by an on-hit item like Wits End or BORK. Wits End if you are looking for a more defensive option against strong AP opponents, otherwise it is always recommended to build BORK. After this, Deaths Dance should be your main goal, so you can't be one-shotted and have extremely high survivability. The last thing you'll need is GA and Mortal Reminder. GA if you play against a lot of Assassins and Mortal Reminder if the enemies have a lot of healing. And that's the complete Bel'Veth build.
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Updated Build For Bel'Veth
Now that we have been able to play Bel'Veth for a couple of days, we decided to adjust our build a bit. It seems like Bel'Veth is struggling to stay above a 40% win rate in the higher elos, so we want to make sure, you have the best possible build. We also want to provide you with more flexibility, so this time we'll provide an AD build, as well as an AP one.
Updated AD Build For Bel'Veth
The rune's haven't really changed that much for the AD version. We'll still want to stick with Lethal Tempo, as this just seems to be the best option for her. Instead of going into the inspiration tree, we'll be taking some domination runes. After Lethal Tempo, we want Triumph, Legend: Tenacity and Coup de Grace. In the secondary tree, we'll be opting for Sudden Impact and Zombie Ward. The Shards are going to be the same as before: Attack Speed, Adaptive Force and Armor.
The items for Bel'Veth's AD build are also a bit different this time around. While the situational items are mostly the same ones, we changed the core items for Bel'Veth. The boots are going to be situational, depending on what you're going up against. Opt for Plated Steelcaps or Mercury Treads. The 2 core items for Bel'Veth are going to be Blade of the Ruined King and Eclipse. These items are very reliant on auto-attacks and guess what, that is Bel'Veths bread and butter. These will also slow your enemies and help you weave in more auto-attacks.

Situational items:
- Witt's End
- Deaths Dance
- Black Cleaver
- Guardian Angel
- Titanic Hydra
- Kraken Slayer
- Guinsoos Rageblade
- Divine Sunderer
- Serylda's Grudge
- Nashors Tooth
These are the items that vary from game to game depending on what you face. If you want MR, then build Witt's End, if you need Sustain, then go for Death's Dance. You get the gist.
AP Build For Bel'Veth
Bel'Veth's abilities don't only scale with attack speed, but also with AP, which is why the AP build is also an option. If your team lacks AP damage and needs an AP carry, the AP build is the way to go. For the AP build, you need to run different runes. We basically swap the Domination tree with the Precision one. Here you want to opt for Dark Harvest and go into Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection and Treasure Hunter. In the secondary tree, we're going to opt for Triumph and Coup de Grace. The Shards remain the same.
Obviously, we're going to be focusing on AP items in the AP build. Like the AD build, you should go for one of the 2 aforementioned boots. Here too, we have 2 core items, that you will always want to build. These 2 core items are Riftmaker and Nashor's Tooth. With Bel'Veth being able to attack so fast, you should reach the true damage part of Riftmaker pretty easily.

Situational items:
- Void Staff
- Zhonyas Hourglass
- Witt's End
- Deaths Dance
- Death Cap
- Lich Bane
- Cosmic Drive
- Shadowflame
As you can see, there is a small crossover of items between the AD and AP build, these seem to be the best items for Bel'Veth. The AP build basically has 2 pathways. A more defensive one with Zhonyas, Witt's End and so on, or a full glass cannon damage build with Void Staff, Death Cap and Lich Bane. Only opt for the damage build, if you're really fed and want to snowball the game.
How To Play Bel'Veth
Bel'Veth is not the best ganker and is unbelievably weak in the early game as well, so you simply want to farm with her. You should only dare to gank lanes if you have a strong laner who is winning his matchup. Bel'Veth comes in handy when picking off kills, as she has a lot of mobility in her kit. The first ability you should level is your Q, which you will also max first. Then level up the W and finally the E.
In the jungle, you should start with the Blue Buff. Once you've got it, the Gromp and Wolves should be your next targets. It's important to auto attack 2 times after the Q, so you can get the most out of your passives and do the most damage. After you farmed your whole blue side jungle, start making your way over to the Raptors and then head towards the Red-Buff and the Krugs. You should only take the Scuttle if the enemy jungler is about as weak as you are in the early game, or when you have seen him on the other side of the map.
When you're done with your jungle, you can gank either top-side or mid-lane, but again, don't force anything. It's safer and easier to just go back to base and buy a couple of new items. When you reach lvl 6, it's essential to get a kill, the Dragon, or the Rift Herald. If you manage to do that, they will drop a Void Coral, which you need to use your Ulti's active ability. So it's important that you have a strong top-side or bot-side in order to get at least one of the epic monsters in the Rift.
Bel'Veth's mid-game is kind of a snooze fest, sadly. You just want to farm, stack your attack speed and get your items as fast as possible. Bel'Veth is very dependent on her items, and it's very important that you're not too far behind in the early game, otherwise you'll never reach your peak.
When you reach the late game, Bel'Veth plays like Master Yi. You use your Ult, and then you'll need to auto attack as much as possible. With your Q, you can dash into the enemy team, where you then try to hit as many opponents as you can with your W. If you hit an opponent with your W, you can immediately dash again with your Q. In between abilities, you always try to auto attack 2 times so that you maximize your damage. When you're surrounded by enemies, you can use your E to keep you alive and deal an enormous amount of damage. Bel'Veth is sort of Master Yi with more range, but not as much range as an ADC.

Good And Bad Matchups With Bel'Veth
Bel'Veth doesn't have good matchups in the jungle per se, because she just wants to farm and is not a counter ganker. For this reason, all tank junglers are good opponents because they usually leave you alone and want to gank as much as possible. And then there are Champions like Karthus that – just like you – just want to farm. With Bel'Veth, you should really avoid all fights and only intervene when the opponents have extremely low life. It's important that you pair Bel'Veth with strong lane champions so that your team can survive the early game.
In contrast to the good matchups, of which Bel'Veth doesn't have many, she has a lot of bad ones. All early game junglers or good 1v1 fighters are a nightmare for Bel'Veth. Wukong, Kha'zix, and Rengar are champions that currently have a very high winrate, and those are the champions Bel'Veth wants to avoid because they can counter-jungle or kill you at any time. If you have a horrendous early game with Bel'Veth, it's extremely hard for you to get back into the game because you're pretty damn dependent on your items.
Bel'Veth definitely looks like a unique champion who can be quite powerful, but is held back by her early game. For this reason, we probably won't see her very often in higher LoL ranks or in professional tournaments. However, Bel'Veth should be a decent option for the lower elos, as opposing junglers are unlikely to take advantage of your weak early game. But who knows what will be meta in 12.11? Well, we'll just have to wait and see.