Which champions dominate the bot lane in League of Legends in patch 14.12? We have listed the strongest carries for you in this bot lane tier list!
This League of Legends patch didn't see too many big changes in the S-tier for bot laners. So, be prepared to see the same OP champions in the upcoming week. But with the new items, there will be some fresh dynamics injected into the Bot Lane, so get ready for that!
Below, you can check out more Tier Lists:
Bot Lane Tier List For LoL Patch 14.12: These Are The Best Carries
3. Ashe
Ashe has made it back to the top with an impressive win rate of 51.61%, which is quite impressive for the Bot Lane at the moment. She's a late-game beast. Not only is she a solo carry, but she's also extremely effective in teamfights – exactly what you need for solo queue.
Ashe has a very simple build. First you go Kraken Slayer so you can get some sustain through the tough early phases and some more Attack Speed. As a second item, you should go for Trinity Force to be reinforced all around. And then as a third item, you can choose either Terminus for a lot of damage and attack speed, or Blade of The Ruined King for lifesteal.
Everyone knows when Ashe spikes, and that is in the later stages of the game. At first, she may seem weak and slow, but just give her one or two items, and she will transform into a machine gun. She can win fights all on her own if she manages to land enough auto attacks and her R. So, make sure you don't surrender too early in your solo queue games.
The hardest counter for Ashe is Kog'Maw. He also has a slow, which spells death for her. Additionally, his ultimate has a very long range, where Ashe, unfortunately, cannot compete. Your only chance is not to feed him!
Good Synergies:
The ultimate support for Ashe is none other than Taric. As a tank, he can engage effectively and use his abilities to stun enemies or provide Ashe with shielding or healing, making him a great support to pick with Ashe.
2. Kai'Sa
Now, a pick you don't ever want to see is Kai'Sa with a win rate of 51.34%. She may seem unassuming, but once she reaches the late game, you definitely need to watch out for her.
With Kai'Sa you should go forKraken Slayer as the first item. Then, you should definitely go for Guinsoo's Rageblade to gain some attack and magic damage.
The third item is once again situational, with the best option definitely being Nashor's Tooth. You can also pick Terminus potential or Navori Flickerblade if you want more attack speed.
Kai'Sa is decent in the early game, but she truly shines in the late game. Once her abilities reach the next level, she becomes virtually unstoppable. Depending on whether you opt for AD or AP, either her Q (AD) or her W (AP) will be the strongest.
Kai'Sa has a rough time against Nilah. Nilah is a pretty strong melee champion, and with her shield, she can deflect quite a bit of damage. So, be careful not to get too close to her at the wrong moment. And you should be especially cautious of her ultimate!
Good Synergies:
The perfect partner for Kai'Sa is Zac. Zac can stun opponents and interrupt their abilities. Additionally, he can quickly hop from one place to another, allowing him to initiate an all-in combo with Kai'Sa. And if things get dicey in melee for Kai'Sa, Zac can quickly leap to her side.
1. Jinx
Jinx is our number 1 for Patch 14.12! She is the best bot laner in the game right now, with insane utility and damage to boot. She sits at a 52.19% win rate currently.
Her number one item is Kraken Slayer. The extra damage the item gives is just insane and shouldn't ever be overlooked. The second choice should be Infinity Edge. You want to be the crit queen, right?
Third, you can either for Rapid Firecannon for that added range or Phantom Dancer if you need more attack speed. Of course, if the enemy team is full of tanky champions, the building Lord Dominik's Regards third is also an option.
Jinx is going to want to scale. This isn't a champion you pick to crush the early game and that's okay, because she is just so strong in the late game. No champion can snowball as hard as she can in Patch 14.12.
Jinx is going to have a bad time against champions like Thresh. He is very immobile and if one good hook lands, especially early, then you're basically dead right off the bat and Jinx needs time to scale.
Good Synergies:
Jinx can be paired with both enchanters and tank supports. Getting someone like Nautilus on her side though would be ideal.
Who Are Our A-Tier Bot Laners?
The A-Tier still holds strong as an excellent category. These champions are reliable choices that can lead you to victory. They become especially valuable when the top-tier S-Tier champions are off-limits due to bans. If you're looking to climb the solo queue ranks, grabbing some picks from the A-Tier is a solid strategy for this patch.
Champion | Win Rate | Pick Rate |
Jhin | 51.02% | 17.65% |
Ezreal | 50.13% | 20.21% |
Caitlyn | 49.53% | 15.02% |
Zeri | 50.90% | 8.52% |
Jhinn is currently a very strong champion and is considered one of the most OP champions in League of Legends. But champions like Zeri and Caitlyn are also incredibly strong.
Who Are Our B-Tier Bot Laners?
The B-Tier encompasses champions that are solid, yet they don't quite match the prowess of the A- or S-Tier champions. They're suitable for certain matchups, but it's advisable to be well-acquainted with their mechanics before selecting them.
Champion | Win Rate | Pick Rate |
Draven | 51.04% | 5.68% |
Brand | 52.97% | 1.88% |
Lucian | 49.62% | 11.95% |
Seraphine | 53.38% | 1.13% |
Kog'Maw | 51.90% | 2.55% |
Tristana | 51.19% | 3.03% |
Seraphine continues to be a dominant force in the bot lane. She is just an easy champion to pick up if you are missing some LP for the end of season rewards, since she'd got great wave clear and utility to help her team.
Who Are Our F-Tier Bot Laners?
We recommend steering clear of these picks for this patch. Whether it's due to dismal win rates or recent nerfs, it's best to sidestep these champions for optimal gameplay.
Champion | Win Rate | Pick Rate |
Corki | 46.43% | 0.52% |
Ziggs | 44.12% | 2.40% |
Aphelios | 49.62% | 0.82% |
Corki has received some changes with the new patch, but they haven't seemed to benefit him for the Bot Lane. Before choosing him, you should definitely practice beforehand!
That rounds up the bot lane champions for LoL Patch 14.12. Which champions, according to you, stand out in terms of power?