LoL Briar: Best Champions To Pair With The New Jungler

The new LoL champion Briar is going to hit Summoner's Rift soon. Who should you play her with though?

Street Demon Briar
LoL Briar: Which champions go well with this frenzied jungler? | © Riot Games

The new jungler Briar has been revealed to the world. Her abilities look kind of insane and give her some pretty insane damage numbers. Developer August "August" Browning even revealed that in early development, Briar managed over eight-million damage.

Honestly, a champion like this doesn't come around all the time with a unique new mechanic that makes Briar stand out from the rest of the League of Legends cast. But which champions should Briar be paired with? Let's check out which type of champions Briar synergizes with on Summoner's Rift.


LoL Briar: These Champions Go Well With The Jungler

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Briar is categorized as a diver in League of Legends. Riot revealed that her kit had initially been created for Naafiri, but the champion's team quickly realized the abilities fit better with a diver than an assassin and changed course. The loss of control plays a huge part of her kit and is what players will want to play around.

With Briar’s gameplay, [the champions team] wanted to capture the essence of the monstrous, terrifying blood-hunters who ravage entire villages when they’re in need of sustenance.

So, what champions should you pick up if you want to support this frenzied vampire on Summoner's Rift? Well, Riot August revealed a few champion types that could go extremely well with Briar and her kit.

Other Champions With Global Abilities

Elderwood Nocturne
Global ults? No problem. | © Riot Games

Riot August revealed that champions with global, or near global abilities synergized extremely well with Briar as well. So, what kind of champions does he mean? Well, as an example he gave Nocturne who is able to turn off the lights and swoop into action.

Briar can use the darkness to her advantage and feast on her prey as well and we all know how much vampires detest sunlight, right? With a champion like Nocturne on her side, opponents will quickly be torn to shreds, which will also stop her from her frenzied state.

Other Divers

Lunar Goddess Diana
Dive into the fray with Briar and friends! | © Riot Games

Another class of champions that would work well with Briar are more divers. Since she is the one to go into the middle of a fight, she could taunt herself against the wrong enemy and thus end up dead. If there are more champions in close combat on her side, then the enemy might not know who to target first.


Briar is a great champion for an engage, so more divers who will follow her up are a great addition to the team. Get a Pantheon or a Renekton on your side to fight your way through a teamfight and you'll be quite happy as a Briar main.

Enchanter Supports

Winter Wonder Soraka
Enchanters are also not a bad idea with Briar. | © Riot Games

Another class that could pair well with Briar are enchanters. Why? Well the poor thing needs to feed and quench her hunger to be able to heal up, since she's got no innate health regen at all. So, to be able to last longer in fights to gobble up as much blood as possible, a healer or shielder would be nice to have.

These would give Briar enough sustain to survive fights even in her frenzied state amidst a group of vicious opponents. Having any type of champion on her team that will keep her alive is always a pro, so pairing her with enchanters is a big pro.

Briar is set to release in LoL Patch 13.18 and will be a brand-new jungler. Are you ready to go into a frenzied state while paired with any of the champions mentioned above? We sure hope so!

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....