Cloud9 Completes 2022 LCS Roster

Cloud9 has completed their roster ahead of the 2022 LCS season.

C9 Roster 2022
Blaber stays, but who else from 2021 is going to be on C9? | © Riot Games/Cloud9

The off-season has been quite insane. Faker re-signed with T1, Teddy has joined Afreeca and there are multiple rumors going around that Team Liquid will sign Bjergsen. So much has happened and so much speculation, but for all you LCS fans, we finally have some answers.

Cloud9 has revealed their roster ahead of the 2022 LCS season with a new top laner, a role swap and much more!

Fudge Roleswap

Ibrahim “Fudge” Allami has been part of Cloud9 since December 2019, starting on their academy roster and making his debut in the top lane for the LCS roster.

Now, the star player will face a whole new challenge. After the departure of Cloud9 mid laner Perkz, the team was in need of someone to fill the position. So, who better than their top laner Fudge?

Ahead of the 2022 season, the 19-year-old will be switching it up and playing in the mid-lane. He’s got a huge champion pool, so to see him role swap into the position could be quite interesting and make for some unique picks.

Korean Re-Build for C9

Since Fudge has switched to the mid-lane, Cloud9 was able to pick up Park “Summit” Woo-tae who was previously the top laner for Liiv Sandbox in the LCK. He showed tremendous gameplay throughout the 2021 season on the squad and helped Liiv Sandbox make it to the regional qualifiers.

That isn’t where the Korean Cloud9 build ends. The team has also picked up Kim “Berserker” Min-cheol who was the ADC for the T1 Challengers team in 2021. The 18-year-old will be making his debut in the LCS in 2022.

Where is Zven Going?

Cloud9 has explained that Zven is still part of the organization. He’s an incredible player, but he also agreed that the stronger bot laner should be the one to start for C9 in 2022, which at the moment, looks like it’ll be Berserker.

There could be some switches once the season starts, though, but for now, Cloud9 is putting their money on the young Korean bot lane talent.

Cloud9 Support Position

There are two options for Cloud9 on support. They’ve just picked up Kim “Winsome” Dong-keon from a Korean amateur team, and they also have Jonah “Isles” Rosario as a support option. Both players count as NA natives, with Winsome having been born in the USA and Isles being from Australia.

Who of the two will start is yet to be determined. Cloud9 will continue to monitor the players, have some in-house games to see who fits best with the rest of the lineup.

Cloud9 Sign LS As New Head Coach

One of the more controversial figures in League of Legends is none other than Nick "LS" De Cesare. Whenever he says or does anything, Reddit goes crazy. So who better to coach Cloud9 than this man?

It seems that C9 will fully buy into his philosophy in hopes of improving ahead of the 2022 season. Will Cloud9 make it to MSI once more? Will they fare better at the 2022 League of Legends World Championship with LS at the helm? We will have to find out when the LCS action resumes.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....