LoL Community Debates Which Champs Need Buffs

Patch 13.15 came out on August 2 and the LoL Community thinks some Champs are being left out. What Champs do they think need Buffs?

Lol Champs
The LoL Community Thinks Some Champs Definitely Need Buffs | © Riot Games

You can never make everyone happy, and LoL patch updates always prove just that.

Patch 13.15 just came out and while some champs were nerfed, more received buffs. But, if you ask Reddit, Riot still hasn't buffed the right Champs.

With patch 13.15 Caitlyn, Camille, Gwen, Nami, Taliyah, Yasuo and Yone were all buffed, but apparently they're still missing a few.

LoL Champ Buff Debate

A new Reddit thread opened up the discussion, which champs the LoL community think need buffs.

Champions who needs buff ? by u/Sushizboyz in leagueoflegends

And according to members of the LoL community, there are champs being left out of important buffs, even popular champs. Some opinions are popular and others...less so. Like this comment:

I agree that Wukong and Vi both need buffs. These champions are getting a lot of unnecessary hate for being popular in pro but having less than a 5% presence in solo queue over the last few patches. Whoever says that these champions were broken are fooling themselves.

The release of patch 13.13 certainly wasn't a good day for this Redditor.

And to that comment, another Redditor decided to answer this:

As a midlaner I'm happy to watch vi disappear into obscurity. I think about 30% of my first death of a game is due to a vi flash Q followed up by enemy mid.Fuck that champ.

Looks like things are getting heated in the LoL Community.

Now, while this thread seems to be taking their buff suggestions pretty seriously, another thread on r/leagueoflegends just wants to try and break the game:

What single buff would make one champion ridiculously OP? by u/olonnn in leagueoflegends

Someone needs to stop "Solash1" before Riot gets a hold of them:

Karthus ult now deals damage to all enemy and neutral units

You just want to see the world burn, don't you?

Let's just hope Riot doesn't listen to those suggestions. Oh, wait- I don't think there's need to worry.

What suggestions do you have? What champs are being left out right now? Are there champs you think need to be nerfed right now?

Carina Toenges

Hey guys, I’m Carina! I’m currently studying Journalism and write for EarlyGame’s Gaming and LoL categories. Whether it’s Stardew Valley, Dead by Daylight or even League of Legends, I love playing and writing about all sorts of video games! ...