LoL Patch 13.12: Riot Is Killing The Meta Couples Of The Bot Lane

The Lol Patch 13.12 is nearing. Let's take a look at the things, that Riot Games have in store for us.

LoL Patch 13.12 is just around the corner | © Riot Games

The new LoL Patch 13.12 is coming. And we ask: Is Riot going to kill the meta couples of the bot lane? Let's take a look at the situation for our favorite Duos like Yuumi & Zeri or the iconic Lucian & Nami combo in the new patch.

The Most Important Nerfs For Enchantment Supports


Lulu is currently one of the most played supports in League of Legends, and might be THE classic example for an enchantment support. Together with late game ADC's like Jhin, Lulu dominated the professional League of Legends Leagues and Tournaments.

In Patch 13.12. Lulu will lose some of her base armor and gets her damage reduced. Fortunately for all Lulu Mains, this will be balanced by the increased shielding power of her E. So we guess, despite the nerfs, Lulu will still be a viable option for the bot lane.


Yuumi gets two of her abilities nerfed. Her Zoomies (E) bonus attack speed gets reduced to a maximum of 35 percent. Also, the healing of her ultimate ability gets reduced by 10 on every level.

If this is enough, to get rid of Yuumi on the bot lane? Only the future can tell, but it's a step in the right direction, to enable more diverse bot lane Duos.


The Most Important AD-Carry Nerfs


In the current meta, there was no way to get past our always jumping ADC-Girl. In Patch 13.12 Zeri sees her movement speed increased by a factor of 5, as if this champ wasn't fast enough before. But the biggest changes regard her Passive, Q and E. But let's start with her passive.

Her ability to steal shields and getting faster doing some while shielded gets removed and fully charges basic Attacks can now activate Sheen (like an ability). These are some big changes, that could change Zeris Role on the bot lane entirely.

Also, her Burst fire gets some changes, it doesn't active sheen anymore. Unfortunately, for everybody who hates this Champs, her E on-hit damage critical strike ratio increases by 20 percent.


Lucian might be THE perfect AD-Carry for all enchantment-supports. Especially with Nami he forms a deadly duo, which has to be one of the most well known bot lane couples of all time.

He gets treated very roughly in the upcoming patch, and sees he's damage on his passive reduced in general.


Conclusion: Are The Bot Lane Couples Dead?

That's of course hard to answer, since we don't have any foresight into the future. But one thing is for sure, bot lane couples like Name & Lucian will never be really dead, cause the synergy of their abilities are harmonizing way too good. They will always be viable in lower Elo.

The nerfs to common enchantment supports like Yuumi and Lulu will of course show some effect on the LoL Landscape, but might be not enough to increase the champion-variation in Pro-Play.

One more factor might be the changes for support items like Moonstone Renewer, Ardent Censer and Imperial Mandate. So we came to the conclusion - no, the couples are not really dead, at least for now. But it's a step in the right direction, and let's see how many changes until the starts of the professional western leagues.

They will be the true testing grounds, on how viable the Bot lane Couples really are.


Henning Paul
Henning Paul