Long-Awaited QoL Tool Is Finally Getting Added To The LoL Client

League of Legends is finally adding another quality of life (QoL) tool to the game's client! Players have been waiting for this to be added to LoL for a long time.

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LoL players are finally getting a new QoL tool! | © Riot Games

The League of Legends client is known for being... somewhat outdated. Players are constantly begging for new quality of life updates for the client.

After adding the new in-game function in 13.9, which allows us to report other players while still in the game, we now have another QoL update on the way!

Introducing the newest addition to the LoL client: the multi-disenchant tool!

How To Use The New QoL Tool

Currently, the new tool is only available in the PBE for testing. The full release of the multi-disenchant tool is expected when LoL patch 13.17 drops on August 30, 2023.

But what does the multi-disenchant tool even do?

Well, it's pretty much as the name suggests – this new tool will allow you to disenchant your loot far quicker than ever before. Instead of having to click and disenchant all of your shards one by one, you can now disenchant up to 50 Shards at once!

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This is what the new icon will look like | © Riot Games / Screenshot PBE

To do so will be quite simple:

  1. Go to the Loot section of your League of Legends client
  2. There will be a new icon on the left-hand side, just at the very bottom called Multi-Disenchant
  3. Choose which Shards you wish to disenchant (Champs, skins, etc.). At the bottom of the screen, it will show you how much Essence you will receive for disenchanting your Shards.
  4. Click on the disenchant button.
  5. And wow! Just like that, you just disenchanted a bunch of Shards without having to sit there endlessly clicking and clicking!

The tool seems to be working quite well in the PBE already, which is a good sign for its implementation into the full game. Let's see what time-savers League comes up with next!

Carina Toenges

Hey guys, I’m Carina! I’m currently studying Journalism and write for EarlyGame’s Gaming and LoL categories. Whether it’s Stardew Valley, Dead by Daylight or even League of Legends, I love playing and writing about all sorts of video games! ...