New LoL Champion Milio: PBE Hints At Release Soon

The new LoL champion Milio will be heading to the PBE server soon, which means that we can finally find out more about his abilies and just how strong this new enchanter from Ixtal really is.

Ixtal Support Milio
New LoL Champion Milio will be released super soon! | © Riot Games

The newest League of Legends champion, Milio, is going to be released very very soon. He might not have landed on the PBE server for the upcoming 13.4 Patch, but don't worry all you support mains, because your newest champion isn't far out.

On the current League of Legends PBE there is a tiny easter egg which hints at a reveal of the support champion, so yes, you can get hyped because this adorable new champion is going to go live soon.


New LoL Champion Milio: Easter Egg on PBE Server Found

Milio will likely be released in LoL Patch 13.5. Why can we say this with such confidence? Well, when looking at the current PBE build, in the bottom half of the map, in the alcove, one of the flames has a... peculiar shape. It wiggles and dances and has huge round eyes.

This flame ball also looks a lot like the teaser image we've received of Milio before, with the three cute flames sitting side-by-side. We also know he will be using fire magic to heal, shield and CC opponents.

This is what many think his kit will look like:

[embed id=282827]

Not only will Milio release then, but Nidalee has also been promised a new voice-over. She will also have new lines interacting with Milio, which could mean that they're somehow related or know of one another which is pretty cool. Older champions getting new VO's is always nice.


So, this could be a hint that Milio isn't far out. He will likely land on the PBE server in two weeks, which means he should be live in LoL Patch 13.5, which is going to release March 8, 2023 according to the official League of Legends patch schedule.

Of course, with the way recent things have gone after the cyberattack, we might be off by a few days. LoL Patch 13.3 also had to be released a day later due to issues after the hacking incident. So we will have to be a bit more patient to know more about the upcoming patches and the changes in the schedule.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....