LoL Patch 12.4 | All Buffs and Nerfs [UPDATE]

Enchanters in the top lane will be nerfed this patch — finally — but which champions will receive specific nerfs and buffs?

Firecracker Sett Patch 12.04
Sett getting buffed? All I have to say is thank you Riot! | © Riot Games

Patch 12.4 is finally going to try and fix the incessant enchanters top problem that has plagued League of Legends throughout the last few weeks. Janna top? Please fix it, Riot. We can’t take it anymore.

What other changes will hit the rift after the huge patch that was 12.03 though? Which champions are in need of some buffs and which ones will get nerfed? Let’s go over the details right now!

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Champion Buffs in Patch 12.4

A total of eleven champions will be receiving buffs in the upcoming patch. Some champions have seriously struggled, while others have so little data due to a lack of play rate, that we cannot even say whether they’re struggling.

These are all champions getting buffed in Patch 12.4

  • Sweet Spot Damage Amp increased from 50% to 60%
AmumuE - Tantrum
  • DR: 2/4/6/8/10 >>> 5/7/9/11/13
AsheR - Enchanted Crystal Arrow
  • Missile Speed: 1600 >>> 1500 + 200/s (max 2100)


Base Stats
  • AS/Ratio: 0.571 >>> 0.625

W - Harsh Lesson

  • Max Health Damage: 2% per 100 AD >>> 4% per 100 AD
KalistaBase Stats
  • Armor: 21 >>> 24
LucianQ - Piercing Light
  • Mana cost: 50/60/70/80/90 >>> 48/56/64/72/80

E - Tidecaller's Blessing Nerf Revert

  • Magic Damage: 20/35/50/65/80 >>> 25/40/55/70/85
NeekoHitbox Size
  • 80 >>> 65

Q - Blooming Burst

  • Additional Pop Damage: 40/60/80/100/120 >>> 40/65/90/115/140


  • CD: 20/19/18/17/16 >>> 16/15/14/13/12
RumbleBase Stats
  • Armor: 31 >>> 36
SettBase Stats
  • HP/lvl: 93 >>> 100
XayahE - Bladecaller
  • Crit Damage Multiplier: 0.5% per 1% Crit Chance >>> 0.75% per 1% Crit Chance


Champion Nerfs in LoL Patch 12.4

Of course, we see Zeri on the nerf list as she continues to dominate multiple lanes. She’s a strong solo lane pick, as well as a great ADC, but she isn’t the only champion getting nerfed.

These are all champions getting nerfed in Patch 12.4:

BlitzcrankBase Stats
  • HP Regen: 8.5 >>> 7.5
Dr. MundoBase Stats
  • AD/lvl: 4.2 >>> 3.5

Maximum Dosage

  • CD: 110/100/90 >>> 110 at all ranks
  • Investigating more targeted changes, nothing this patch
Nunu & Willump (aka William)Q - Consume
  • Healing from Champions: 80% >>> 60%
QiyanaP - Royal Priviledge
  • Bonus AD Ratio: 55% >>> 40%
VeigarBase Stats
  • Armor: 23 >>> 21
  • Armor/lvl: 3.75 >>> 4

E - Event Horizon

  • Cooldown: 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 >>> 20/18/16/14/12
ZeriQ - Burst Fire
  • Uncharged right click damage: 15-40 (+4% AP) >>> 10-25 (+3% AP)
  • Uncharged right click low health mult: 4x >>> 6x
  • Right click Slow duration: 1.5s >>> 1s
  • Right click Slow amount: 20-40% >>> 14-50%
  • Q base damage: 10-30 >>> 9-25
  • Q base damage can now crit
  • Q excess AS to AD conversion: 50% >>> 60% (70% efficiency >>> 84%)

W - Ultra Shock Laser

  • Cooldown: 10 >>> 13-9

E - Spark Surge

  • Cooldown: 23-17 >>> 23-19
  • CD reduction per champion hit with an attack or ability: 1.5s >>> 1s

R - Lightning Crash

  • Attack speed: 30-40% >>> 30%

Sorry, we couldn’t get over the Willump typo and had to include it. Imagining a Yeti by the name of William is just too funny.

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System Adjustments In LoL Patch 12.4

We are going to be getting an overhaul for support items in the upcoming patch. We’ve all heard and dealt with Janna, Karma, Taric top with smite, right? Well, now Riot is going to be tackling this issue by adjusting support items in the solo lane.

Support Item Changes in the Solo Lane

  • Minion Farming Penalty: 4 minions per minute >>> 2 per minute until 5m, 4 per minute rest of game
  • Farming Penalty is more severe early
  • CS Bounties now adjust based on the number of income items on each team
  • Objective Bounty gold leads are halved when you have two or more support items on a team
  • Objective Bounty Linger: 15s >>> 5s

How have you enjoyed the top lane meta? Have you tried out Janna top? Which champion will break the meta next? Akshan? Samira? Who knows, all we want is to have our bruisers and fighters back in the top lane.


When Will Patch 12.4 Be Released?

According to the official League of Legends patch schedule, the next patch update will come February 16, 2022. Along with the patch, we will also receive new Shockblade skins and the release of the next meta-breaking champion — Renata Glasc.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....