The 3 Most Impressive MSI Group Stage Players

The MSI Group stage is over - and while we saw some of the best in the world play, here are the three players we are most hyped for in the main event.

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Granted, some see it as the clear top 5 | © Riot Games

The groups of the Mid-Season Invitational are now gone and with the six teams that will play in the Rumble decided, it’s time to look back and consider who really impressed us. While there were plenty of amazing plays, these three players proved to truly be something else. We want to see what they can do in the Rumble now that they will be fighting against the other best teams at MSI. We will limit ourselves to one per team to limit the situations where teamwork defines the player - and while it also means we don't just have 3 T1 players, we think everyone on this list deserves to be on your radar.

3. G2 Flakked

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He's not lacking for confidence | © Riot Games

While a lot of people thought G2 was making a big gamble by taking three new players, it was their AD Carry that most were doubtful of. Victor "Flakked" Lirola Tortosa had never played in the LEC, he had not lifted any LVP trophies and he did not have a standout EU Masters performance. Yet as the season went on, G2’s bot lane showed they are more than capable and Flakked played against - and often beat - the best ADCs the LEC had.

At MSI, he has kept up with impressive performances from the LEC playoffs and was a big reason for why G2 managed to go 4-0 against both Evil Geniuses and Order. Flakked is the player with the best KDA in the groups stage - nearly 17 over 8 matches - and damage and gold numbers to match his veteran mid lane. In his rookie split on a big team, Flakked is yet to be challenged seriously - and we want to see just how far he can go.

2. T1 Oner

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You're in his jungle | © Riot Games

This year, T1 has been the LCK Dream Team and an absolute powerhouse running on all cylinders. While he is usually passed by in attention by his two amazing carries, Moon "Oner" Hyeon-joon has been a huge part of T1's success so far - and he showed it once more during the group stage. The Korean jungler has been decisive in both early game ganks and lategame teamfights and shone in T1's (relatively) hardest matches so far - the games against Saigon Buffalo, where he stopped what looked to be a strong early game in their first clash and absolutely decimated them in the rematch. Oner has staked a claim to be the king of the jungle at MSI and anyone who enters his playground is going to have a very hard time.


Gala MVP2021
GALA won the MVP in 2021 and he intends to keep it | © Riot Games

There was a time, now seemingly a long time ago, when RNG fans were anxious if then-rookie Chen "GALA" Wei could fill the shoes of bot lane legend Jian "Uzi" Zi-Hao. In the meantime, GALA has proven himself to be a star in his own right and is now seen as likely the best AD Carry in the last LPL split. He came to Busan as the man people expected to be the big rival of T1 bot laner and rising star Lee "Gumayusi" Min-hyeong. Then the games started and Gala went on a tear, landing not one, but two Pentakills during the group stage. Gala is on fire and we want to see more.

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Do you agree with us? Who are your top 3 players of MSI so far? Join us on Discord to let us know!