Want to know how much it would cost to buy all the games on Steam, or how much your account is worth? We've done the math for you.

Steam reigns as the premier digital distribution platform for video games, offering a wide range of titles for PC gamers.
But have you ever thought about the total cost of acquiring every game in the Steam library?
How Much It Costs To Buy Every Game On Steam: How To Check
There are already more than 65,000 games in the library of Steam. Obviously, as we know, their prices vary, which makes it difficult to calculate accurately.
As of April 25, 2017, the website steam.seewang.me allows you to check the total value of all games available on Steam. By scanning the entire Steam library and the value of each game, you get an accurate total.
Info: It seems like the counter stopped for the moment; however, the latest numbers from January 2024 are still impressive: The latest price information for all Steam games combined is $658.911.21, if you count active discounts in. Without the discounts, all games would cost you $974,810.59.
The drops you see in the following graphic are usually the result of special sale promos, like the Steam Winter Sale that has just taken place.

Even more surprising is how much this value has increased over the last few years.
How Much Is Your Steam Account Worth? How To Find Out
The numbers of whole steam library values are truly stunning. We also know that many of you are fierce collectors with a significant library of games on the platform. Why not check the value of your Steam account?
To check this, complete the following steps:
- Go to steamdb.info/calculator
- Copy and paste your URL profile link, Steam ID or friend code
- Click on "get disappointed in your life"
- There you have it. Are you disappointed?
Make sure you have your Steam profile visibility set to "public", otherwise the information will not be available.
The Steam Calculator is an interesting site for any Steam user. Here we can not only check the value of our account, but also the time we spent in games and many other interesting details.
Although remember dear gamers, no matter how much money you have spent on games in your entire life, know that the great time the games have given you is priceless!
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