After 5 Years: Game of Thrones Showrunners Reveal Thoughts On Controversial Season 8

After the disappointing season 8 of Game of Thrones, the showrunners are now sharing their thoughts.

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Game of Thrones Season 8: What were the showrunners thinking? | © HBO

Five years after the unexpected and disappointing end of Game of Thrones, the creators of season 8 are finally discussing the finale. The excitement for the series was huge, with many fans eagerly anticipating the conclusion. However, the ending left many feeling frustrated.

David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, the showrunners, anticipated some mixed opinions about the 8th season. But they were surprised by just how poorly it was received.

Game of Thrones: What The Showrunners Thought About The Controversial Ending

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The showrunners were hoping for mixed feelings. | © HBO

Most fans agree: the ending wasn't satisfying. The 7th season was still a great success, and there was no way the finale could surpass the 4th season. But the frustrating ending was unexpected.

In an interview with Josh Horowitz, Benioff and Weiss revealed that they knew the finale would have its critics. However, they hoped that the positive and negative reactions would be more balanced.

They believe they might have been overly influenced by the positive feedback they received in earlier seasons, leading them to assume they were heading in the right direction.

Originally, they planned to conclude Game of Thrones with a film trilogy, but this plan was rejected by HBO. Some plots could have played out differently, and the finale might have gone another way. Sadly, we'll never find out.

However, there is not only negative feedback about the 8th season. Some fans found the ending fitting and are satisfied with the conclusion of the series.

What did you think of the GoT finale? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!

Freya Engel

Freya practically grew up with video games. She loves the community aspect of gaming and doesn't easily give up, even when a level seems impossible. Her favorite games include League of Legends, Animal Crossing, and The Sims 4....