Baldur’s Gate 3 Player Completes Game As A Wheel Of Cheese

In the wide, mystical lands of Baldur's Gate 3, where heroes wield legendary swords and cast powerful spells, one player has redefined what it means to be an adventurer. YouTuber Bouch has pulled off a feat so impressive and absurd that it has the gaming community in awe: He has completed the game as a living, breathing (well, kind of) wheel of cheese.

2024 06 05 10 50 news
Sweet, sweet cheese. | © Bouch/EarlyGame

Baldur's Gate 3 offers numerous ways to enjoy its epic story, from creating new characters to choosing an Origin character, speedrunning, and player-made challenges. However, YouTuber Bouch's latest endeavor might be the most unique yet...

From A Brie-lliant Idea To A Challenging Realization

Claiming that "every other cool idea has been exhausted," Bouch decided to save the Sword Coast with a party of, you guessed it, wheels of cheese. Modifying the game to permanently polymorph characters into cheese, Bouch faced the challenge without any items or spells.You might wonder how cheese can survive in Baldur's Gate 3. The cheese's gameplay options are minimal, with the ability to roll, jump, perform unarmed attacks for one stunning damage point, and use a unique attack called Cheesy Smell. This attack creates a cloud that incapacitates nearby creatures.

So, the life of a cheese adventurer is a dangerous one. Polymorphing into cheese reduces a character's Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity to 10, with only 1 HP and 10 AC, making survival quite difficult. Cheese wheels can obviously not speak, preventing them from resurrecting characters with Withers, among other issues.

Clever Tactics And Cheese Monks: Overcoming The Odds

Despite these challenges, Bouch cleverly used passive traits that transfer to polymorphed characters. By building their cheese characters as monks, they added their Wisdom modifier to their AC, dealt extra damage with unarmed attacks, and made unarmed strikes as a bonus action.Bouch also discovered that cheese characters could use spell scrolls and trade, offering valuable workarounds. Elixirs of Hill Giant Strength boosted the cheese's Strength to 21 until the next long rest.

While Bouch occasionally had to revert from cheese form to progress through certain areas, most of the game was completed by sheer cheesed-up skill.

Johanna Goebel

Johanna is studying Online-Journalism in Cologne and has been travelling the gaming world since she was a toddler. Her heart beats for open-worlds, action or fantasy RPGs and third-person shooters with great storylines and (un)charming characters.
