BlizzCon 2024 Cancelled

Bad news for Blizzard fans: There will be no BlizzCon this year, but instead, a major event centered around Warcraft.

Blizzcon 2024
BlizzCon has been canceled for this year. | © 2024 Blizzard Entertainment

Blizzard announced on April 25 that BlizzCon 2024 will not take place. After careful consideration, they decided it simply wasn't feasible this year.

However, this cancellation is only temporary and doesn't mean that BlizzCon is disappearing for good. Instead, Blizzard will be part of many other big events and will also host a smaller celebration of the Warcraft anniversary.

BlizzCon: What We Can Expect Instead

Unfortunately, Blizzard has decided not to host BlizzCon this year. However, we'll catch them at many other major events like Gamescom in Cologne. There, we'll likely get to know the latest projects and hear some exciting announcements.

Blizzcon 2023
Who else misses BlizzCon? | © 2024 Blizzard Entertainment

Additionally, they're planning a big event for Warcraft's anniversary.

And we’re thrilled to be planning multiple, global, in-person events to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Warcraft, which will be held in addition to the in-game celebrations across our Warcraft games throughout 2024.

They are aware that this event won't be comparable to BlizzCon, but they're determined to use their creativity and innovation to make it equally impressive. Hell, if it's related to Warcraft, we'll at least tune in and give it a chance!

This year, we can also look forward to more details about World of Warcraft: The War Within and the first expansion for Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred.

We are very sad that the beloved Con won't be happening this year, but we're already looking forward to the events surrounding Warcraft. What do you think about Blizzard canceling BlizzCon? Feel free to share your thought in the comments.

Freya Engel

Freya practically grew up with video games. She loves the community aspect of gaming and doesn't easily give up, even when a level seems impossible. Her favorite games include League of Legends, Animal Crossing, and The Sims 4....