Baldur's Gate 3: Developer Working On Two New IPs Instead Of A Sequel

Larian will be developing 2 new IP projects, and CEO Swen Vincke believes that they will be the studio's "best works yet".

Larian studios
Larian is forging some secrets. | © Larian via LinkedIn

Larian has decided not to make Baldur's Gate 4, but the studio is not slowing down. Instead, they're diving headfirst into outlining their future projects.

Charting a New Course: Larian Ventures Beyond Sequels With Two New Projects

In a recent update on Steam, Larian revealed that they're stepping away from another sequel and steering towards creating two new projects.

"As an independent studio since '96, we cherish the freedom to chase our creative instincts. After a deep dive into the realms of Forgotten Realms for six years, we've decided to carve our own path. Presently, we're immersing ourselves in the creation of two distinct projects, and the anticipation for what lies ahead is palpable."

Larian assures that more concrete details will follow, although it is still early days for these ventures.

In order to allay any fears regarding their departure from Baldur's Gate, Larian's CEO, Swen Vincke, has some very enthusiastic words to say. "I can't guarantee success, but when I look at our narrative, visuals, and gameplay blueprints, I believe what we're brewing will surpass all our past endeavors," Vincke states. "I'm bubbling with excitement, eager to unveil our visions to the world, yet vexed by the anticipation of bringing them to fruition."As for the nature of these projects, Larian's choice of phrase - "developing our own IPs" - is quite intriguing. Could one of these ventures signal the arrival of a new Divinity installment, perhaps Original Sin 3? The other, on the other hand, could signal an entirely new experience, though likely in the RPG genre. We will keep you updated.

Johanna Goebel

Johanna is studying Online-Journalism in Cologne and has been travelling the gaming world since she was a toddler. Her heart beats for open-worlds, action or fantasy RPGs and third-person shooters with great storylines and (un)charming characters.
