Mafia Fans Suspect That 2K Is Working On Big Announcement

Take-Two Interactive is preparing to unveil the next installment in the Mafia franchise in the near future, according to recent leaks.

Mafia 4 reveal
Will Mafia 4 be revealed soon? | © 2k

Last October, 2K Games, a subsidiary of major publisher Take-Two Interactive, simply tweeted the word "Mafia" and caught the attention of fans. Speculation has been rife for some time that a new Mafia game was in the works.

Is Mafia 4's Unveiling Just Around The Corner?

Now, a new report has added to the excitement, suggesting that the unveiling of Mafia 4 could be imminent. This assessment comes from the leaker "Kurakasis", who has accurately revealed the titles Metro: Awakening, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, and Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra.

On April 16th, Kurakasis announced on Twitter that Take-Two had begun preparations for the announcement of a new entry in the Mafia franchise a few days earlier. While the exact timeline remains elusive, the leaker points to a past instance in Take-Two's announcement history that could be similar to the approach for Mafia 4.

Insider Insights: Could Take-Two Interactive Be Teasing Mafia 4's Arrival?

This is the debut game from Take-Two's Ghost Story Games, Judas. Judas is scheduled for release before the end of March 2025 and has already received an announcement trailer. According to Kurakasis, preparations for the announcement began three to four weeks prior. If Mafia 4 follows a similar pattern, fans could expect an announcement (complete with trailer) next month.

However, the leaker also points out that the announcement does not necessarily refer to the next Mafia entry, but could also be a next-gen upgrade for the Mafia trilogy.

While details about the next Mafia game are still scarce, some information has surfaced. The game is reportedly being developed using Unreal Engine 5, which is currently in pre-production, suggesting a release in the next few years. Previous job postings from Hangar 13 mentioned "compelling stealth and combat gameplay loops". Back in 2022, Kotaku reported that "Mafia 4" would be set in Sicily and take place chronologically before the events of the first game, likely in the 1920s.

Johanna Goebel

Johanna is studying Online-Journalism in Cologne and has been travelling the gaming world since she was a toddler. Her heart beats for open-worlds, action or fantasy RPGs and third-person shooters with great storylines and (un)charming characters.
