Minecraft 1.21: Armored Paws Update Already Live

The new Minecraft update is set to release in summer 2024, and the features that will be added have already been revealed. The armadillos have been released, and the developers have given a look behind the scenes.

Minecraft 1.21 Armadillo
Minecraft 1.21: The developers share their thoughts about the armadillo. | © 2024 Mojang

A new mob was going to be added with the next major Minecraft update, but Mojang surprised everyone when they released them with the version 1.20.5 update. The Armadillo is a passive mob that roams through the area and rolls up when it's scared.

The developers offer a quick look behind the scenes in their video, sharing insights into their thought process behind creating the armadillo and its intended purpose.


Minecraft 1.21: Behind The Scenes

Minecraft 1.21 Wolfs variants
The new armor looks great! | © 2024 Mojang

Meet the new mob: the Armadillo. Back in October 2023, players voted on which mob should be added to Minecraft next: an Armadillo, a Crab, or a Penguin. I think it is obvious who won.

In the snapshot version, we've already had the chance to encounter the new creature in the Savannah or Badlands biomes, along with its unique traits. Since April 23, 2024, you can discover the animal with its features in the Minecraft world.

The developer have also given us insight into the development of the mob. They wanted the Armadillo to be able to roll up, and through their research, they found that only the sovereign banded armadillo, a smaller variant, exhibits this behavior.

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In the first beta version, the armadillo had its eyes placed in the front. However, this made the mobs look strange, so they moved the eyes to the side. Also, the developers believe that this mob is likely the blockiest mob in Minecraft.

The developers also mentioned some reasons why they chose this mob, besides the fact that it won the vote. They wanted to introduce a creature that lives in a biome with less life and is also underrepresented. Additionally, the developers aimed to create a helpful mob:

Then we also really wanted this animal to be useful for the players, and that could be both like through the drop of the animal or from a mechanic. And we wanted this animal to bring smiles because there's a lot of value in just creating like nice feelings as well.


With the new creature comes new armor as well. The Wolf Armor is super useful as it protects wolves from physical damage. So, get ready to travel with your wolf without fear of it dying instantly.

Furthermore, they thought about what the new animal could eat. Since it eats insects in real life, the developers chose spider eyes in the game. Consequently, spiders fear armadillos. So, if you don't want spiders around, get yourself an Armadillo! Then you'll also have armor for your dog.


You can find all further information about the new update here. What do you think of the new creature? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments.

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Freya Engel

Freya practically grew up with video games. She loves the community aspect of gaming and doesn't easily give up, even when a level seems impossible. Her favorite games include League of Legends, Animal Crossing, and The Sims 4....