If there is one thing that I thought I'd never see, it would be a battle royale in World of Warcraft... but here we are.

A brand-new limited time event is coming to World of Warcraft. Plunderstorm has just been revealed, and it will be coming with the 10.2.6 content update, which will bring pirates and plundering to the game.
Who would have thought that we'd see the day when we can dash across the Arathi Highlands as pirates, while taking down other players? So, what is this new game mode all about, and how long will it be available?
World of Warcraft: Plunderstorm Revealed

Plunderstorm is a new limited time game mode that has been added with the big WoW update. This game mode is available for everyone, no need to purchase anything new. Just hop into the game, download the update, and you're ready to set sail on an adventure unlike anything we've seen before in World of Warcraft – yes, even Classic players can enjoy this new mode since you just need a WoW subscription.
The Plunderstorm game mode is a battle royale. This means the last one standing wins it all. You can choose to play with a friend or solo. You can also queue duo's alone, but then you'll be assigned a random partner.
In the game mode, you'll be able to pick up lootable spells, abilities, and upgrades. This means you're going to have to plunder areas to find treasure with these upgrades. The spells and abilities will automatically be added to your action bar when you pick them up.
So, why would you want to even play this mode? Well, there are some sweet rewards like cosmetics, pets, titles, and mounts. You just have to play through the reward track to earn these rewards.
The Plunderstorm update has already gone live on March 19, 2024. So what are you still doing here reading this? Go and plunder to your heart's content!