This Co-Op Legionary Survival Sim Could Be Your Next Roman Empire

Do you think about the Roman Empire from time to time? Have you ever imagined yourself as one of those lost Roman legionaries? Then this new game might be for you.

Lost legions
Lost Legions looks very promising! | © Tarock Interactive

The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, also known as the Varian Disaster, was no picnic for Roman legionaries in Germany. Three entire Roman legions were torn apart in a brutal conflict that scattered the survivors far and wide. This is where the new cooperative survival simulator Lost Legions comes in, casting you as one of those legionaries as you struggle to survive in a world that understandably doesn't welcome your presence.

Historical Authenticity Meets Survival Adventure

Unlike conventional survival titles, Lost Legions is a careful blend of historical authenticity and compelling gameplay mechanics. As a lost Legionary, you will be thrust into the heart of an unforgiving wilderness where survival is a test of endurance and resilience.

Watch the trailer here:

Through cooperative gameplay,you will have the opportunity to band together, recruit fellow legionaries, and forge units capable of withstanding the myriad challenges that await.Lost Legions delves deep into the complexities of its characters, offering insight into the lives and struggles of those caught in the midst of historical turmoil. Each character has a rich and nuanced backstorythat explores themes ranging from the trials of colonialism to the aspirations of imperial conquest.

As you navigate the complex web of alliances and conflicts that define the Teutonic landscape, you will uncover hidden truths and forge bonds that transcend the chaos of war.

With its expansive world, immersive storytelling, and strategic depth, Lost Legions promises to captivate and transport you to a bygone era of danger and intrigue. Lost Legions is expected to launch in the first half of 2025.

Johanna Goebel

Johanna is studying Online-Journalism in Cologne and has been travelling the gaming world since she was a toddler. Her heart beats for open-worlds, action or fantasy RPGs and third-person shooters with great storylines and (un)charming characters.
