XDefiant Faces Yet More Launch Issues, But A Fix Is On The Way

Just a week after the launch of XDefiant, players are already facing a frustrating challenge: hit registration issues. But at least executive producer Mark Rubin has responded to concerns, pointing to network connection problems as the primary problem.

X Defiant No Internet
Is there actually a hit marker problem? | © Ubisoft

Just a week after its release, XDefiant is making waves in the gaming community, not just for its fast-paced action but also for some technical problems. Sadly, many players have been experiencing issues with hit registration. At least the devs have been great at responding to the community, but now we also want to see some in-game fixes.

Exec-Producer Mark Rubin Weighs In

After a video showcasing the hit-reg problems went viral, executive producer Mark Rubin responded on social media. He first pointed out that the player's network issues were visible in the clip, indicated by yellow and red network icons on their screen. These colors typically suggest problems like high latency or packet loss, where data being sent to the game server is lost or delayed, impacting game performance.

But then, in his defense, he did go on to speak about the issues that the XDefiant team needed to work on:

So when can we expect a fix?

What's Being Done?

Rubin assured the community that solving this problem is a top priority for the team, but he didn't give an exact time frame for the fix. They are exploring ways to lessen the impact of packet loss through better optimization and efficiency of the game's network handling, but this is difficult and takes time.

Think of it like this: if you're trying to have a conversation but keep dropping words, the other person might misunderstand you. The game, like the listener, struggles when it doesn't receive all the "words" (or data packets) it expects. The developers are looking to make the game better understand the conversation, even if words/packets are lost.

While internet connection might be a problem we can't help you with, we got you with the best XDefiant settings!

Looking Forward

While it’s clear that technical issues like these can downgrade the experience of a new release, the response from Ubisoft's team suggests a commitment to resolving these issues promptly. For gamers, this means that while some might experience glitches, improvements should be on the horizon as the game’s systems are refined and optimized.

What do you think about XDefiant so far? Can it survive alongside CoD as a more competitive alternative? Or is the whole notion of an arcade shooter retrograde?

Ali Kanaan

As a political science student, Ali has always liked historical games like Assassin's Creed and strategy games like EU4....