New LoL Infernal Skins 2024: Release Date, Champions & More

The new Infernal skins have been revealed, but which champions will be getting skins and how much are they going to cost?

League of Legends: New Infernal Skins are coming!

League of Legends Patch 14.11 is going to feature some brand-new infernal skins. Riot has revealed the champions that will be getting skins. While this is a smaller patch for cosmetics, but these skins are back after a long time, which is pretty exciting.

There had been hints of the Infernal skins returning, but were fans correct about the champions that will be getting skins in this universe this time around?


League of Legends Infernal Skins: All Champions & Cost

Infernal Ashe
Ashe is one of the champions getting skins. | © SkinSpotlights / Riot Games

A total of three champions will be getting Infernal skins in 2024. Most fans knew that this would be a smaller cosmetics patch, so it comes as no surprise. The last Infernal skins were released back in 2020 so after 4-years we are finally getting more of these skins which is quite exciting.

Skin NameChampionCostTier
InfernalAshe1350 RPEpic
InfernalKarma1350 RPEpic
InfernalOlaf1350 RPEpic

These are all epic skins. With this being a small patch for cosmetics, Riot is not going to bring out any new legendary skins. We know that Riot is working on the big Summer event, which will include some legendary and prestige skins.

Release Date For The Infernal Skins

Infernal Olaf
Olad's Infernal chromas. | © SkinSpotlights / Riot Games

The Infernal skins are going to be released with LoL Patch 14.11. The patch is set to release on May 30, 2024 and will also include free Pride Month cosmetics that can easily be obtained by simply playing League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics.

So, are you ready for the heat this summer that will be the brought with the Infernal skins?

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....