LoL Patch 14.5: Twisted Fate Will Be Nerfed Again After Continuous Domination In Multiple Roles

One champion that has been dominating in multiple roles is Twisted Fate. In LoL Patch 14.5, Riot will nerf him again. Hopefully this will stop him from being so OP.

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LoL Patch 14.5: Twisted Fate is getting much-needed nerfs. | © Riot Games

Twisted Fate has been one of the best champions in the game since Riot gave players the option to play him as an AD champ as well. This has increased his viability in multiple roles. Not only is he viable in multiple roles, but he's also good in every single one of them.

So, in LoL Patch 14.5 we're going to be getting some key nerfs to Twisted Fate in hopes of him being more balanced for the future. Otherwise, he will continue to be a must-ban.


LoL Patch 14.5: Multiple Twsited Fate Abilities Nerfed

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Twisted Fate is insane right now. In the bot lane he sits at a 52% win rate and in top lane at 53%. His main role, mid lane has a win rate of 51% according to In LoL Patch 14.4 he did get nerfed, but clearly it wasn't enough if his win rates are still this high, which is why Riot is going to tackle the champ once more.

Riot have decided to nerf both his Q – Wild Cards and E – Stacked Deck in the upcoming patch, in hopes of reducing his prio in three different roles on Summoner's Rift.

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His Q will have the bonus AD ratio reduced to 40%, while the E attack speed is getting a reduction from 10% - 60% to 10% - 50% and the bonus AD ratio is also getting reduced from 75% to 50%.


These two changes should be decent enough, especially the ones to his E, since the attack speed is one of the key factors why Twsited Fate has become such a popular bot lane pick or even top lane pick. He basically becomes a machine gun with cards right now, and that's just too OP.

These changes will go live with LoL Patch 14.5 which is going to come out on March 6.

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Lasse Lindner

Lasse is one of EarlyGame's leading experts on League of Legends, covering the game for this website as well as Riftfeed. Playing LoL since 2015, he covers everything from patch notes to esports news for both the English and German sites....