Fortnite: All Mythic Weapon Locations | Chapter 5 Season 3

With Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3, Mythic weapons have returned. Here's where you can find them.

Mythic Weapons
In Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3, there are 3 new mythical boss weapons and items. | © Epic Games / Earlygame

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 is here, and besides a lot of other awesome stuff, the Fortnite map got a few new Mythic weapons. We'll show you how to get them all.


Fortnite: All Mythic Weapon Locations In Chapter 5 Season 3

Most of the Mythic weapons are in the possession of enemy NPC bosses. However, there are usually other enemies spawning nearby, so make sure you're well-equipped before fighting them. Some Other mythics are available on other ways, we will show you here.

In addition to the Mythic weapons, the bosses also drop their Medallions once they have been defeated. These have different effects but will still reveal your position on the map. But there are other mythic weapons, you get on another way.


Machinist’s Combat Assault Rifle

Machinist Loc
The Machinist keeps the new mythic Combat AR mostly in Redline Rig. | © Epic Games / Earlygame

You will find the Machinist at Redline Rig. She is carrying the "new" mythic Combat AR. The weapon was already a thing back in chapter 3 and is now coming back even stronger than before!

She might also be on the road with the War Bus! You can spot her medallion on the map.

Ringmaster Scarr’s Boom Bolt

Boom Bolt
You will find the mythic Boom Bolt in the Nitrodrome. | © Epic Games / Earlygame

Former known Fencing Fields is now the Nitrodrome, which kinda reminds us to the Monster Jam teaser before the season started. Anyway, you will find the entirely new mythic Boom Bolt there.

Megalo Don’s Nitro Fists

Megalo Don drops you his Nitro Fists and the mythic combat shotgun as well. | © Epic Games / Earlygame

Megalodon has by far the best medallion this season, but what about his Nitro Fists? You will find him in the very south of the map at Brutal Beachhead.

He might also be somewhere else on the map with the War Bus! Look where his medallion is located.

Cerberus' Gatekeeper Shotgun

Cerberus is still waiting at Grim Gate after Hades told him to wait there. | © Epic Games / Earlygame

Cerberus is still waiting at Grim Gate but now as a NPC. You can duel him for his powerful Gatekeeper Shotgun.

Oscar's Frenzy Auto Shotgun

Oscar Frenzy Loc
Oscar is back, but not at Lavish Lair. | © Epic Games / Earlygame

Oscar is back! You can duel him at Classy Courts. He is standing there as a regular NPC.

Conductor Hand Cannon

Mythic Deagle
The Deagle is back again and has a mythic version now! | © Epic Games

The new mythic Deagle is only possible to get with claiming the known Rift Islands.

Fortnite: Mythic Weapons, Their Locations and How to Get Them | Overview

Here is a brief overview for you:

LocationHow to Obtain the Weapon
Machinist’s Combat Assault Rifle

Redline Rig / War Bus

Eliminate Machinist

Ringmaster Scarr’s Boom Bolt


Eliminate Ringmaster Scarr

Megalo Don’s Nitro Fists

Brutal Beachhead / War Bus

Eliminate Megalo Don
Megalo Don's Combat ShotgunBrutal Beachhead/ War BusEliminate Megalo Don
Cerberus' Gatekeeper ShotgunGrim GateDuel & Eliminate Cerberus
Oscar's Frenzy Auto ShotgunClassy CourtsDuel & Eliminate Oscar
Conductor Hand CannonRift IslandsClaim an Island


And those were all the mythic weapons in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3. As soon as more mythic items are added to the game or getting vaulted, we will let you know.

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Benjamin Pohl

Benni is the ultimate nerd when it comes to Fortnite. But when he's not cranking his 90s, he's playing games like Valorant or Rocket League, casting eSports tournaments or skiing in the mountains....

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