Despite its popularity, Stargate Atlantis was cancelled after five seasons; a decision that left many Stargate fans disheartened. However, there's a
silver lining: Not only do we have hints about how the story would have progressed in SG:A season 6 – we can also be pretty sure to see some new Stargate content soon.

Stargate Atlantis, the first spin-off in the Stargate franchise, ran from 2004 to 2009. While the original series, Stargate SG-1, explored the adventures through the Stargate from Earth, Atlantis took viewers to the Pegasus Galaxy, where a new team operates from the lost city of Atlantis and faces off against the Wraith, a hostile species that feeds on humans. Just like SG:1, the blend of science fiction, adventure, and the occasional humor captured the hearts of many fans.
"Stargate" in a nutshell:
A Stargate is a fictional ring device that allows instantaneous intergalactic travel to another Stargate by establishing a wormhole between the two rings. Travelling through the Stargate is something all Stargate shows and movies have in common.
SG:A was performing well in terms of viewership. Nevertheless, MGM and Syfy decided to make a strategic production change after exactly 100 episodes, axing the series. So why didn't we get more stories from the Pegasus Galaxy, is the second spin-off Stargate: Universe to blame for that, and how would the story of SG:A have continued? Let's find out.
Stargate Extinction: The SG:A Movie We Never Got

From what is known, the cancellation of SG:A probably hadn't much to do with the plans of bringing Stargate: Universe on air. The axing of SG:A as a TV show was mainly for financial reasons. Production costs have had increased by a lot at the end of the 2000s century compared to the series' beginning, particularly caused by the rise of the Canadian Dollar and the decline of the US-Dollar on the other hand.
But: The producers actually didn't plan to give up on SG:A. Instead, they planned to continue the storytelling via movies instead of single episodes, hoping that this would reduce costs.
Actually, the idea of a movie evolved even before an SG:A movie was discussed at all. Since it was still unclear whether season 6 will get green light or not during season 5's production, the producers tried to persuade MGM and Syfy to extend the fifth season from 20 to 22 episodes, so that the final two episodes could also be used for a standalone DVD movie in case that SG:A wouldn't get a sixth season, setting the path for further movies. But as we know, that didn't happen.
However, following the cancellation of Stargate Atlantis, there was immediate talk of continuing the story through a first movie titled Stargate Extinction. Executive producer Joseph Mallozzi and Co-Creator Brad Wright completed the script until mid-2009.
How SG:A Would Have Continued
Thanks to a GateWorld interview with Joseph Mallozzi, we have some ideas on how SG:A would have continued.
The story was set to pick up where the series left off: On its journey through space back to the Pegasus Galaxy, the city of Atlantis suddenly reports engine problems (we'd bet it's the wormhole drive that was introduced in the season 5 finale). As a result, Atlantis and its crew find themselves stranded in another galaxy, facing a future, hostile version of the Wraith Todd, and also meeting another version of Teyla.
In the final part of the episode, present-day Todd saves McKays life, encountering future Todd in a dramatic battle.
While this doesn't sound too groundbreaking, Mallozzi revealed some further details that are actually exciting and important for the Stargate lore:
1. Stargate: Extinction would probably have laid the seeds for the Stargate: Universe story about the Descendants that takes place at the end of SG:U season 2 (Episode 2.17 "Common Descent" and 2.18 "Epilogue").
2. In case a sixth season of Atlantis would have been greenlighted, we would likely have seen Michael return in the midseason finale – that's actually very surprising, since Michael has seemingly died in Episode 5.14 "The Prodigal" (at least it was clearly indicated that his time was over).
Unfortunately, due to MGM's financial difficulties at the time and with a declining DVD market, the project was indefinitely shelved, leaving the plot points and character arcs unresolved.
A New Hope For The Stargate Franchise

While the second spin-off Stargate Universe did not continue past its second season, and plans for Stargate Extinction fell through, the Stargate franchise is on ice since 13 years (we don't count Stargate: Origins in, you know why).
But there's a good chance this will eventually change: Amazon's acquisition of MGM in 2021 will likely open doors for new stories from the Stargate franchise. And given the advancements in streaming services and the trend of reviving beloved series, there's a possibility for Stargate Atlantis' narratives to be incorporated as a side plot in a new series, opening up new perspectives for this beloved chapter of the Stargate franchise .