Rocket League Season 6 has been revealed, as has the game's latest Battle Car. What hitbox is featured with the Nomad, and how will affect how the vehicle plays?

It's a strange day when I, the same man who claimed that Rocket League Season 3 was worse than Tomato Soup, are kind-of excited for a brand-new Season. That day has come, though, with Psyonix revealing a Rocket League Season 6 that not only adds what we expected, but a fantastic new theme and a collection of features and content that has us truly, truly excited. Wait, did I just complement a new Rocket League Season? Strange times, isn't it.
Well, it's not too strange, especially considering how well Psyonix have done in 2022 so far. From the multitude of great bundles that were offered around New Years, to the Black History Month Bundle last month, and the brand-new "The Batman" Batmobile Bundle, there has been little-to-nothing to complain about (apart from, perhaps, this year's Lunar New Years Celebration). With the inclusion of the Nomad in Rocket League Season 6, though, it looks like we're in for a treat!
The Nomad van is an adorable little bugger, driving along and impressing with its cute little buggie-look and its fabulous paint job. We are enjoying the look of the Nomad, sure, but what's the most important thing? Well, its handling, of course, and what's the most important factor when it comes to a vehicle's handling in Rocket League? It's god-darn Hitbox, that's what! Let's take a look at the Nomad's Hitbox in Rocket League Season 6...
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What Is The Nomad's Hitbox?
The Nomad van will feature a Merc Hitbox, one of the most underutilized hitboxes in Rocket League. In fact, with the addition of the Nomad van in Season 6, Rocket League will only feature three different Merc Hitbox cars, including the Merc itself. That makes those three cars the Battle Bus, the Merc, and the Nomad van. Now, we are yet to write a proper guide for the Merc Hitbox (something we will update this article with as soon as possible), but we will now give you a quick breakdown.
Merc hitbox cars are the tallest in the game, making them absolutely ideal for 1v1 battles that would involve a player performing all roles in the game. That means not just defending and goalkeeping, but offensive play as well. It is less maneuverable than some of its competitors, like the Octane or Dominus, but its enormous surface area allows for fantastic ball control and easy capturing of the ball from your opponent.
It's a very tank-like hitbox; big, fat, and bold. We like to think of it like a bigger and less-maneuverable Fennec, something that surely makes it a curious and very surprising choice for a Seasonal Vehicle. That being said, this lends it to some very clever plays when used by skilled players, and means that more players will have the ability to try out the Merc Hitbox since it will feature so prominently in Season 6.