Prelude To Chaos Bundle: Release Date, All Skins, Cost & More

The Prelude to Chaos bundle has skins for the Operator, Vandal, Stinger, Melee, and Shorty. But when is it hitting the Valorant store? Find out that and more in your skin guide.

Valorant Prelude to Chaos bundle
Valorant's Prelude to Chaos bundle is unlike any other in the game. | © Riot Games

Valorant players are gearing up for the launch of Valorant Episode 5 Act 1 which is set to feature a brand new map in Pearl which got its official unveiling today. But something else has caught the attention - a brand new skin bundle.

Called Prelude to Chaos, these purple-hued sci-fi-inspired skins look more like something you would see from the Halo franchise and have some of the sickest reload animations we have ever seen.

Initial reaction on social media has been overwhelmingly positive, and it looks like these skins are going to be hugely sought after when they release. But when is that? Learn that and more in our guide to the Prelude to Chaos bundle.


Valorant Prelude To Chaos Bundle – Release Date

The Prelude to Chaos skin bundle will be released alongside Valorant Episode 5 Act 1.

That means the Prelude to Chaos bundle will be released on Wednesday, June 22.

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How Much Does the Prelude To Chaos Bundle Cost?

Pricing for the Prelude to Chaos bundle won't please everyone as they are designated as Exclusive Edition skins (the second highest tier) with the bundle subsequently costing 8,700 VP (approx. $80)

The bundle contains skins for the following weapons:

  • Two-Handed Sword (melee)
  • Vandal
  • Operator
  • Shorty
  • Stinger

The skins include both variants and upgrades with the guns having four variants and three upgrades.


Prelude To Chaos Bundle – All Skins

The Prelude to Chaos bundle truly takes your breath away with an "in your face" sci-fi look. The Melee, in particular, looks devastating – a large electrified two-hander that is a real statement piece. We can have a look at it thanks to notable leaker, Valorant Updates.

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Who also provided this video of the chunky Operator with its unique "from the top" reload animation.

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Prelude to Chaos - Shorty

Prelude to Chaos
The upgrade level 3 Prelude to Chaos Shorty. | © Riot Games

Prelude to Chaos - Stinger

Prelude to chaos stinger
The upgrade level 3 Prelude to Chaos Stinger. | © Riot Games

Prelude to Chaos - Vandal

Prelude to chaos vandal
A variant of the Prelude to Chaos Vandal. | © Riot games

Prelude to Chaos - Operator

Prelude to chaos operator
A variant of the Prelude to Chaos Operator. | © Riot Games

Prelude to Chaos - Melee

Prelude to chaos skins
A variant of the Prelude to Chaos Melee. | © Riot Games

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