Riot Games Plan Valorant Animated Series

When Arcane was released on Netflix, it became an instant hit. So will Riot Games make a Valorant animated series?

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We got Arcane, next up comes Valorant! | © Riot Games

Riot Games' Netflix series Arcane became an instant hit among fans. Not only did the series justice to League of Legends, but it appealed to non-gamers too. So Valorant fans went ahead and asked: will we get a Valorant Netflix series? And David Nottingham gave us an answer. There is already a big basis on Valorant's lore, so an animated series isn't far-fetched.

Riot Games David Nottingham Reveals Valorant Animated Series Plan

Riot Games is known to host Valorant Q&A where the players can ask anything. They did a recent Valorant Q&A, where questions for gifting and a replay system hit the board. The question if we'll get an Arcane-styled Valorant animated series was asked and David Nottingham replied:

Arcane was amazing! We'd be lying if we claimed not to have hopes and dreams of one day delivering something of that stature in the VALORANT Universe but wow, our LoL cousins set an insanely high bar with the series!From the outset, we set out to create an expansive universe with depth of characters to support any potential future experiences that we believe players would want, including premium entertainment.- David Nottingham, Creative Director

A Valorant animated series is somewhat in the plans! And it's plausible with the current Valorant story. We even know the agents' real names. So when are we going to see the Netflix Valorant series?

When Will The Valorant Animated Series Be Released?

The short answer behind a release date for a Valorant animated series is it won't be any time soon. We have to consider that Valorant is still a pretty new game released on June 2nd, 2020. It'll be turning 2 years this June. David Nottingham also spoke about its release date:

BUT…don't expect anything too soon. We’re going to remain hyper-focused on the game for quite some time and we have plenty we still want to do to keep expanding the universe in support of VALORANT the game.- David Nottingham, Creative Director

So the plan's to expand the game's content, lore, and even the esports scene. Once we have a more solid game with a bigger player base and more content, only then we can somewhat expect a Netflix show for consideration.

Dean Nastevski
Dean Nastevski