The Best Warzone Pacific PPSh-41 Loadout | Vanguard's Best SMG

Unlike BOCW's PPSh last year, Vanguard's PPSh has come out swinging. It's the best Vanguard SMG for Warzone, and here's the current meta attachment setup for it!

PPSh-41 loadout
PPSh-41 laodout. | © EarlyGame

We have to credit Aydan upfront for showing us just how filthy the PPSh can be. He used it recently to make the first Caldera kill world record in solo squads. We've changed his loadout slightly to accommodate a wider range of skill level, because, let's be honest, almost none of you have that kind of gunskill, so a little more recoil control will go a long way.

Note: This is a loadout built specifically for Warzone, if you want to use the PPSh in standard multiplayer, then this is the setup guide you were looking for.


The Best PPSh-41 Setup

PPSh-41 setup
The best PPSh-41 setup. | © Activision/EarlyGame
MuzzleRecoil Booster
BarrelKovalevskaya 230mm B03P
OpticSlate Reflector
StockRemoved Stock
UnderbarrelCarver Foregrip
Magazine8mm Nambu 71-Rounds Mags
Ammo TypeSubsonic
Rear GripFabric Grip
Perk 1Tight Grip
Perk 2


As you might have guessed from the attachments, this setup is all about maximizing speed (except for the 71 round mag, but this is an absolute must, so don't drop it). This loadout will give you an incredible close-range TTK potential, but it isn't built to be effective beyond 20 m, so you absolutely need to bring it with an overkill loadout and something long-range. We wouldn't even recommend this as a Sniper Support – it just isn't versatile enough. This is an SMG. But if you're in close-range, you'll absolutely chop up with this build. Also, don't forget how impressive the hip-fire is with this build, most of the time you won't even need to ADS.

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The Best Secondary, Grenades & Perks for a PPSh-41 Loadout

The Best Secondary Weapon for the PPSh-41

KG M40 setup
The best Long-Range-AR. | © Activision

The KG M40 with the above setup (which we break down in more detail here) is still one of the best long-range assault rifles on Caldera. It's absolutely not as broken as the STG44 or the NZ back in the day, but it's just really good at medium to long distances. The almost non-existent recoil makes it a fantastic sniper hunting weapon. Of course, you can also take the good old Grau 5.56 for a ride.

The Best Equipment for the PPSh-41

LethalThrowing Knife
TacticalSnapshot Grenade

If we're pushing up into CQC, the Throwing Knives are going to be fantastic for finishing downs. Snapshot grenades are currently absolutely OP and mark enemies in a huge radius, even through walls.


The Best Perks for the PPSh-41

Perk 1Double Time
Perk 2Overkill

Perk 3


We said the PPSh was fast, right? Yeah, let's get it a little faster still and take Double Time. This build is about moving fast, and out-rotating your foes. Overkill needs to come too because the PPSh cannot handle mid-range or longer. Tracker we've chosen to help in those tight CQC situations.


There you have it, fellow denizens of Caldera, the PPSh-41's current meta attachment setup. And if you try this out but want something a little easier, may we advise this loadout.

Lukas Ballat

Lukas has been passionate about shooters his whole life and at EarlyGame he teaches you everything about CoD, while also taking care of campaigns and partner projects. He also plays Souls-likes and doesn't shy away from the Diablo-grind either....

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