Consoles Can Cheat In Warzone Now

Since launch, PlayStation users have been protected from cheaters. They could disable crossplay and avoid PC players – the only contingent of the community that used hacks. But now, Warzone cheating programs are being developed for consoles too. All the horrifying details can be found below.

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Hacks have become so cheap and so effective that cheaters are now unavoidable on Warzone's PC servers. It's been like this for some time, hence it's become one of the communities' biggest complaints. And unfortunately, the problem looks set to continue without resolve, despite efforts like these:

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Try as Activision Blizzard might, the cheaters always seem to be one step ahead (if not two or three). But news of cheating programs built for consoles will amplify the problem drastically.


What Cheating Programs Are Built For Console?

The hacking software available for consoles just like the anti cheat RICOCHE uses machine learning to send input to your controller when it detects an enemy on screen – so an aimbot. The cheating software available to PC players has more functionality and can be used to reveal items and enemies across the map, but an aimbot will still make the game plenty easy enough to deny other players their rightful wins.

You can see an example of the console cheating software in action here:

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Terrifying stuff indeed. We can only hope that the next generation of anti-cheat will account for this program, but it's going to be very hard to detect.

Like keeping up to speed with all things Call of Duty? Here are some recent stories in case you missed them:

When Are These Cheats Coming To Console?

Unfortunately, the machine learning aimbot for consoles is already available online, so expect cheaters even with crossplay disabled from here on in. We wish we had better news for you, but it can't always be an exciting day of new content or Milano buffs.

Good luck out there, and don't forget to report anyone sus...

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....