Modern Warfare 2 Perks | All Perks & New Perk System

Modern Warfare 2 will revamp the perk system in Call of Duty. Here's how the new perk system works, and all the perks in the game.

MW2 perks
We have all the perks in MW2. | © Activision

Modern Warfare II has introduced a ton of new groundbreaking features into the Call of Duty franchise. From the new vehicle mechanics, to its swimming and climbing features, not to mention all the changes to the gunsmith and the create-a-class system. Being able to fully customize your attachments wasn't enough for Infinity Ward, we'll now be able to run 4 perks now as well, without having to use Wildcard.

So, what exactly have they changed about perks? And what perks will be available in MWII?


New Perk System In Modern Warfare 2

In Modern Warfare 2 you don't choose three perks, instead you customize and select a perk package for yourself, which consists of two "Base Perks", one "Bonus Perk", and one "Ultimate Perk". You start the match with the "Base Perks" you selected, then after about four minutes into the match you unlock the "Bonus Perk", and eight minutes into the match you unlock your "Ultimate Perk".

Kills, assists or objectives let you unlock the perks faster. Some content creators have already tested this and according to JGOD each kill reduces the waiting time for the next perk by about 12.5 seconds.

Here's what the perk package selection screen looks like:

This is how the perks work in MW2. | © Activision

The "Assault", "Phantom", "Hunter", and "Deadeye" perk packages are the default packages that will be unlocked for all players. But you can add and customize your own. So don't worry, you'll be able to find the perks that work best for your playstyle.


All Perks In Modern Warfare II

Here are all the perks in Modern Warfare 2, arranged by type:

Base Perks

Here are the perks you can pick two of to start any game with:

Battle HardenedReduce strength of enemy flash, stun, gas, shock and EMP effects. Immune to Snaphot grenades.
Double TimeDouble the duration of Tactical Sprint. Increase crouch movement speed by 30%.
ScavengerResupply ammo and Throwing Knives from dead players.
TrackerEnemies leave behind a footprint trail, and enemy death markers are visible. Kill markers are hidden from the enemy team.
Strong ArmSee a preview of the trajectory for thrown equipment.
Bomb SquadTake reduced damage from non-killstreak explosives and fire.
Extra TacticalSpawn with an extra tactical.
OverkillCarry two primary weapons.
ScavengerResupply ammo from dead players.

Bonus Perks

These are the perks you unlock 5 minutes or so into the match:

ResupplySpawn with an additional Lethal. Equipment recharges over 25 seconds.
SpotterSee enemy equipment, field upgrades, and killstreaks through walls. Mark them for your team by aiming down sights. Hack enemy Claymores, Proximity Mines, C4, and Trophy Systems.
Cold BloodedUndetectable by AI targeting system and thermal optics. Does not trigger High Alert warning. Does not highlight in enemy Tactical Cameras, Recon Drones, and Spotter Scopes.
Fast HandsReload, use equipment, and swap weapons faster.
HardlineReduce Killstreak cost by one elimination. Reduce Scorestreak cost by 125.
FocusIncreased hold breath time. reduced sway and flinch when ADS.

Ultimate Perks

These are the final perks you unlock during a match, at around 8-minutes:

High AlertYour vision pulses when enemies outside of your view see you.
GhostUndetectable by UAVs, Portable Radars, and Heartbeat Sensors.
Quick FixEliminating players immediately triggers health regeneration. Capturing and holding objectives increases health regeneration rate.
OverclockStore an additional Field Upgrade charge. Increase Field Upgrade charge rate by 40%. On Earn-Get a Field Upgrade Charge.
SurviviorOn Death, enter last Stand with the ability to self-revive once per life. Teammates can revive downed players faster.
Bird's-EyeThe minimpa is zoomed out. UAV and Radar pings reveal the enemy's direction. On-Earn: Ping enemies on the minimap.

And that's all you need to know about perks in MW2. If you're interested in what other changes are coming with Modern Warfare 2, check out this vid:

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....