Avatar: The Way of Water Disney+ Streaming Release Date

On November 14, the highly anticipated sequel Avatar: The Way of Water made its theatrical debut. However, for those who prefer the comfort of streaming from their couch, when can we expect the new Avatar movie to be available on Disney+?

Avatar 2
Avatar: Way of Water Release Date on Disney+ | © Avatar

Avatar: The Way of Water has been making bank, becoming one of the highest grossing movies of all time! And it had to. James Cameron spent so much money on this movie, that it had to be the third or fourth most successful film of all time, just to break even. Mission accomplished, I guess. But When will we be able to watch the movie at home? Here's the Disney+ streaming release date.


Avatar: The Way of Water Releases On Disney+

With a more than 3 hours runtime, the movie is pretty long. Avatar: The Way of Water is quite the time investment, especially when you can't pause the movie. So maybe you would prefer to watch the movie on a streaming platform, so you're able to pause it, take a pi**, grab a beer and continue.

But when will we be able to comfortably stream the movie, instead of having to go to the theaters? Well, if you're reading this article now, you're in look, as the movie is releasing on June 7. So if you're reading this article, it should already be available on Disney+.

If you still need a nice 4K TV to get the most out of the movie? This one is well worth its money!


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Robert Bachhuber

As a master graduate of sociology who wrote his thesis about Twitch, Robert knows a fair share about streaming. Adding to that, he loves binge-watching TV shows, so he got entertainment covered....