Armored Core 6: All Combat Logs

If you're looking for all collectible Logs in Armored Core 6, you came to the right place! With our overview, you'll get easily the "Combat Log Collector" achievement.

Armored Core 6: All combat logs and the location within the missions
Armored Core 6: All combat logs and the location within the missions. | © FromSoftware/EarlyGame

Within the world of Armored Core 6, you'll find yourself collecting a lot of things, like suitable weapons, arms, legs, booster and more to get the best possible build for your playstyle. Collectibles likes combat and data logs are on a different level, since they tell you most of the entire story of the game.

Combat Logs are one of those collectible items you'll find across your journey on Rubicon while fighting your enemies. These logs are held by a specific type of enemy and in order to unlock them, you need to defeat those enemies and finish the mission.

If you don't know how many logs you already gathered, go to the Garage, select "Sortie" and "Replay Mission". Scrolling through the mission, you will notice a log icon on some of those. If the logo is grayed-out and says "Pending" it means the mission has still some logs left – unfortunately, it doesn't show which logs are already collected. With a "Complete" you already got all of them.

This overview gives you a general idea where to look for the logs and which mission has one or multiple logs to begin with!


Armored Core 6: Combat Logs & Locations During Each Playthrough

Armored Core 6: Here you find the information if you already collected Combat Logs during a mission.
Armored Core 6: Here you find the information if you already collected combat logs during a mission. | © FromSoftware/EarlyGame

During the missions you will encounter eventually the so-called "Decision Missions". We highlighted them behind the mission name in our overview as [Decision].

In order to get all the logs and don't mix anything up, stick to the first mission choices and then get the other batch in your 2nd playthrough.

This way you will get the first ending "The Fires of Raven" and the second one "Liberator of Rubicon" without any problems. For the third ending, "Alea lacta Est" you need to play the missions listed below at the section "New Game++".


Chapter 1 – Missions

1. Illegal EntryNo Combat Logs
2. Destroy Artillery InstallationsNo Combat Logs
3. Grid 135 CleanupNo Combat Logs
4. Destroy the Transport HelicoptersSilver Log: On the higher platform in the middle between the 4 requiered helicopters.
5. Destroy the Tester ACSilver Log: Unmissable
6. Attack the Dam ComplexSilver Log: At the large frozen lake, before the third objective a four-legged enemy is waiting

Gold Log: Before the fourth objective, enter the huge frozen lake and an AC with a health bar will attack you. Destroy it.
7. Destroy the Weaponized Mining ShipNo Combat Logs
8. Operation Wallclimber3x Bronze Log: Face the wall on the far left of the city, there are the unnamed MT enemies you need.
9. Retrieve Combat LogsGold Log: From the starting point, look at the compass on the left side of the screen and move into the 230° direction. Jump of the platform in a lower area with a wrecked machinery. You need to destroy the AC that will attack you after you interact with the farther log in this area.

10. Investigate BAWS Arsenal No. 2

No Combat Logs
11. Attack the WatchpointGold Log: Unmissable


Chapter 2 – Missions

Armored Core 6: This game offers a vast industrial playground
Armored Core 6: This game offers a vast industrial playground. | © FromSoftware/EarlyGame

12. Infiltrate Grid 086

Silver Log: Unmissable from the main objective target

2x Bronze Log: Before interacting with the large gate, follow the rail line and go all the way to the end of the edge and then turn 180°. There are two MT robots waiting for you.

2x Silver Log: Head towards the main objective and stop until you are around 1800m away. Head to 180° and there are two quadrupedals MTs walking around.

Gold Log: On the opposite of the furnace is a opening that you can enter. Follow the path until you reach a small room with an AC.

3x Bronze Log: After exiting the building, go up at 20° to reach a covered area with 3 MTs.

13. Eliminate the Doser FactionNo Combat Logs
14. Ocean Crossing2x Bronze Log: Exit the elevator and go forward to the end of the first platform and drop down to the big bridge. Turn around and fight the flying drones. Be careful, the red lasers are hitting pretty hard!

2x Bronze Log: Drop down to another path leading back the way you came. There is another set of flying drones waiting for you.

Chapter 3 – Missions

15. Steal the Survey DataSilver Log: From the start, head towards the area with the large crane and there you'll find a single tetrapod MT.
16. Attack the Refueling BaseBronze Log: Under the bridge over a large valley you will find a number of enemies. One of them will give you the log.

Bronze Log: From the bridge turn 270° and you'll see two thin bridges crossing the valley. On the right side of the second bridge is another enemy with shooting lasers.

17. Eliminate V.VIISilver Log: Face the wall and go to the far left of the city near the objective. On the ground is a tetrapod MT roaming around.

Gold Log: Unmissable from V.VII Swinburne

Gold Log: While fighting Swinburne, he will stop and put up a shield and offer to walk away. Accept it and another AC named Rokumonsen will attack you. Defeat it.

18. Tunnel SabotageBronze Log: After being contacted on comms about the PCA, stop followingh the tunnel and go up to the left to 90° instead. A laster shooting LC will hand you over the next log.
19.Survey the Uninhabited Floating CitySilver Log: After the second fog control device and past some flying enemies, keep going straight after you see a round structure on the ground. There is a enemy near it.
20. Heavy Missle Launch SupportNo Combat Logs
21. Eliminate the Enforcement Squads – [Decision]No Combat Logs
22. Destroy the Special Forces Craft – [Decision]No Combat Logs
23. Attack the Old SpaceportSilver Log: From the start point go 90° and to the second level of the outdoor area. There is a shield LC enemy waiting for you.

2x Silver Log: From the start point go 150° on the higher level, with the round cylinder fuel tanks.

24. Eliminate "Honest" BruteBronze Log: While outside on the platform with the red lasers, drop down to a lower one. Go to the large dentral pillar on the right and fight of a round rolling robot.

2x Bronge Log: Go around the large pillar on the next platform. You'll find another on of the same round robots.

Silver Log: On the large open platform a yellow tetrapod MT is waiting for you.

Bronze Log: At the last platform an enemy will put up a shield. Go inside and defeat it.

Platinum Log: Unmissable from "Honest Brute"

25. Defend the Old SpaceportPlatinum Log: Unmissable from the boss "Raven"
26. Historic Data RecoveryNo Combat Logs
27. Destroy the Ice WormNo Combat Logs


Chapter 4 – Missions

Armored Core 6: Boosting our way through to get all the combat logs
Armored Core 6: Boosting our way through to get all the combat logs. | © FromSoftware//EarlyGame
28. Underground Exploration – Depth 1No Combat Logs
29. Underground Exploration – Depth 2Gold Log: Unmissable from boss "G5 Iguazu"

2x Bronze Log: After defeating Iguazu, go through an underground canyon and a door with a blue laser shooting at you. After the door infront the laser closed, turn right to enter a small room with two enemies.

30. Underground Exploration – Depth 3Silver Log: On the back of the big building at the start of the chapter.

Silver Log: Also on the back of the rood of the big building.

Gold Log: Unmissable after defeating "Ephemera".

31. Intercept the Redguns [Decision]Platinum Log: Unmissable after defeating "G1 Michigan".
32. Ambush the Vespers[Decision]Gold Log: Unmissable after defeating the target "Dual Nature".

Gold Log: Unmissable after defeating "Reconfig".

33. Unknown Territory SurveyPlatinum Log: Unmissable after defeating "V.IV Rusty".

Gold Log: Dropped from "Tsubasa" that spwans with the main boss of this chapter. (Sometimes it will only spawn in NG+ playthrough.)

34. Reach the Coral Convergence2x Gold Log: Unmissable after defeating two ACs markt as targets.

Bronze Log: You need to defeat nine enemies for this one. Fly across the bridge, defeat the first group of enemies and find a rolling enemy on the bridge itself. Jump below and defeat the remaining ones close to a chest as well.

Bronze Log: While under the bridge, move to the far right and encounter two ACs, defeat them.


Chapter 5 – Missions

35. EscapeNo Combat Logs
36. Take the Uninhabited Floating CityNo Combat Logs
37. Intercept the Corporate Forces[Decision]Platinum Log: Unmissable after defeating "V.I. Freud".
38. Eliminate "Cinder" Carla[Decision]Platinum Log: Unmissable after defeating "V.II Snail"
Platinum Log: Unmissable after defeating "Full Course/ Cinder Clara"

Platinum Log: Unmissable after defeating "Cirus/ Chatty Stick"

39-A. Breach the Kármán LineWhich mission you get her depends on the previous choicesNo Combat Logs
39-B. Destroy the Drive BlockWhich mission you get her depends on the previous choicesNo Combat Logs
40-A. Shut Down the Closure Satellites Which mission you get her depends on the previous choicesNo Combat Logs
40-B. Bring Down the Xylem Which mission you get her depends on the previous choicesNo Combat Logs

New Game + – Missions

Armored Core 6: The bosses are gigantic in comparison to our AC.
Armored Core 6: The bosses are gigantic in comparison to our AC. | © FromSoftware/EarlyGame
06. Attack the Dam ComplexNew Game+ ExclusiveGold Log: Choose "accept" to fight against your allied AC friends. Get a Gold Log for defeating them
18+. Prevent Corporate Salvage of New TechNew Game+ Exclusive and with [Decision]No Combat Logs
26+. Defend the Dam ComplexNew Game+ ExclusivePlatinum Log: Unmissable after defeating "Umber OX".

Platinum Log: Unmissable after defeating "Aster Crown".


New Game ++ – Missions

7-B. Escort the Weaponized Mining ShipNew Game++ Exclusive and with [Decision]No Combat Logs
09++. Prisoner Rescure New Game++ ExclusiveSilver Log: Go left at the start towards the small towers, where you will find a tetrapod MT. Defeat it to get the Silver Log
Platinum Log: Unmissable after defeating "Deep Down/ G2 Nile".
10++. Obstruct the Mandatory InspectionNew Game++ ExclusiveNo Combat Logs
11++. Attack the WatchpointNew Game++ Exclusive2x Bronze log: Defeat the MTs spawning behind you after being ambushed by Sulla.
13++. Stop the Secret Data BreachNew Game++ ExclusiveSilver Log: Get it for destroying a tetrapod MT guarding one of the hacking drones.
3x Bronze log: Go through the pipe in the furnace room to find a secret room with MTs.
19++. Survey the Uninhabited Floating CityNew Game++ ExclusivePlatinum Log: Unmissable after defeating "ABSTGHIK/ Thumb Dolmayan".
26-B. Coral Export DenialNew Game++ Exclusive and with [Decision]No Combat Logs
29-B. Underground Exploration – Depth 2New Game++ ExclusivePlatinum Log: Unmissable after defeating "Deadsled".
33- B. Eliminate V.III New Game++ Exclusive and with DecisionPlatinum Log: Unmissable after defeating "V.III."
33++. Unknown Territory SurveyNew Game++ Exclusive2x Platinum Log: Unmissable after defeating "V.IV Rusty" and "Middle Flatwell"
34. Reach the Coral ConvergenceNew Game++ Exclusive2x Platinum Log: Unmissable after defeating "V.II Snail" and "G5 Iguazu"
35-C. MIA New Game++ ExclusivePlatinum log: Unmissable after defeating "G6 Red"
36-C. Regain Control of the XylemNew Game++ ExclusiveNo Combat Logs
37-C. Coral Release New Game++ ExclusiveNo Combat Logs

There you have it! All the Logs and also the conditions how to get all the endings Armored Core 6 has to offer!

Ewelyn Derc

Ewelyn is a Content Creator at EarlyGame. She's mainly interested in everything that comes from Japan and has to do with JRPGs. But also Souls-like, Indies, Shooter, Rogue-likes, Otome, Visual Novel and more are in her field of expertise....